The best project for Empire earth

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The best project for Empire earth

Post by Darko »

Hello people!

I have a big idea in your head and share it occurred to me to know what you think.

You could create a new section here or at my forum to create a message that would collaborate people putting their ideas for change to better the EE and EE: AoC, for example:

Darkonen: It would be nice to add more maps.

* Players who want the U.S. would create new maps and be added to an ftp server where I'll upload the supermod EE: AoW with over 100 new units and everyone could download and have more options for our game.

You could update daily or weekly

That would be fun to play with new improvements and changes every so often: D

In addition to adding each person likes the game you would like more in itself.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------

The project would be based on three parts, the first ideas and to put them off, the second to create a ranking of all players who were registered in a lobby like the save-ee where would a score (ranking) by the number of victories won and lost games.

And third enjoy the game!

What you think?

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Re: The best project for Empire earth

Post by Byakuya »

I like your ranking idea. Although people's opinions on who is top ranked is kool, a ranking list would validate the claims. Too noobish to understand the rest :thumbsupl: but more options are always a good thing. 8)

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Re: The best project for Empire earth

Post by taco »

this is so much work and tbh i don't think it would bring back the amount of people per the amount of hours of work you would have to spend on it. im particularly worried about the units you plan to bring in. balancing units is not easy adding a few units balanced may not be too hard. but 100 good luck testing all possible ways to use them and make sure that there's not some OP combo( which I assure you adding in that many there will be)
if you're willing to put in all this effort I would be willing to put up with the overpowered units for a short time.

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Re: The best project for Empire earth

Post by Omega »

"adding a few units balanced may not be too hard"

You'd be surprised how long it takes to balance a single new addition. You have to test that unit versus every single unit type in that age, in various numbers/situations, and tweak as appropriate. A lot of the time you run into situations where that unit is unacceptably bad versus one unit, and unacceptably good versus another, and you have to do MAJOR tweaking to fix it. You have to test the unit in combination with other units once you've got the one unit type vs one unit type fairly balanced, and test those combinations versus single units and versus other unit combinations that might make sense.

You also have to consider the effects upon multiple epoch games of that unit. Is it upgradable to when you advance? If so, is it too good in that sense? How does the unit rate against units of the NEXT epoch, is it fine strength-wise, not good enough, or too good? Et cetera.

Oh, and you have to play test games with it, that simulate and/or are real games. During which, you want to try and abuse the shit out of the unit in new and innovative ways that may or may not work, not just using it as it was intended, because surprise, getting a unit to actually be good at what you intended it to be good at and not to be retarded imbalanced takes A LOT of time.

Expect 10 hours of time minimum per unit, if you're going to even get them roughly balanced for 1-epoch games, to say nothing of refined balance, or balance considering both single epoch and muli epoch games.

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Re: The best project for Empire earth

Post by Darko »

Gracias por las respuesta, yo pensaré como equilibrar todo.

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