Presidential Partition For DOOM!

If you have any unique feature requests, post them here! There is already a large to-do list and things will take time to be implemented.
I am no longer taking feature requests due to the limited amount of time I can devote to programming the lobby.
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Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by President Obama »


DOOM! An Old School Classic One of The Best Games of All Time

Hi, I'm President Obama, some of you might know me from the lobby as I tend to spend many hours there talking, not spamming or from the reports section. I must insist that we need DOOM! Not just me, the whole lobby. Many people these days go into online game without playing DOOM! If you have never played DOOM you can never be a true gamer. Its one of the rules of true gaming. This is why we need DOOM to teach people the ways of being a true gamer, where it all started.(3D good game wise) DOOM is also somehow a very scary game yet so much fun.

I am requesting that a tab is introduce with the game doom, as an additional addon that is optional download with the lobby as it is a 30mb download(i think), which may be large to some people (not me) DOOM is absolute classic if the lobby was kept on bottom of it(the chat part) We could have multiplayer games of DOOM, which I might say is quite fun.

Doom has an awesome arsenal of weapons, pistol, shotgun, minigun, rocket launcher, BFG, chainsaw and with other games of Doom there are heaps of weapons. Save-EE could have it owns version of doom with modded weapons or more weapons.

Here is what some reviews had to say:
Cnet(4.5/5): Even now, The Ultimate Doom remains ultimately playable ... 72645.html
Gamespot(9/10): Doom isn't just a game, it's an environment. ... eview.html
TouchGen(4.5/5): id release their FPS Horror classic, and like a fine wine this vintage seems to get better with age…

Here are some screen shots, there are now versions out with much more improved graphics, If wished apon I can take some screen shots of these. They also have new sounds which make it so much more awesome.

As President of the United States of America I am starting this partition for a DOOM tab. :D


If your not into DOOM why not DUKE NUKEM but DOOM would be way more awesome.
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by inola »

Doom tab you won't get but some links I would be ok with. Do you use zdaemon client/lobby for multiplayer?

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by President Obama »

Sad Face :(
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by inola »

inola wrote:Do you use zdaemon client/lobby for multiplayer?
So do you?

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by President Obama »

No, never heard of it. I played it online at a mates place a fair while ago, Ive never really looked into playing it online since because my internet is complete crap atm (30kps with latency because of satellite)
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by inola »

zdaemon Is a type of lobby client/browser/server built for Doom 1&2. If you can play Empire Earth on that satellite no reason you shouldn't be able to play an old ass game like doom on it.

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by President Obama »

I cant play empire earth online either well not without lag which everyone leaves the game because of it. I dont play ee, Im just the guy who sits in the lobby and whores until he gets better internet.
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by inola »

President Obama wrote:I cant play empire earth online either well not without lag which everyone leaves the game because of it. I dont play ee, Im just the guy who sits in the lobby and whores until he gets better internet.
Funny shit lol
Why not just use 56k dial up instead? You can play and host EE without a problem and it's cheap.

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by Moo »

inola wrote:
President Obama wrote:I cant play empire earth online either well not without lag which everyone leaves the game because of it. I dont play ee, Im just the guy who sits in the lobby and whores until he gets better internet.
Funny shit lol
Why not just use 56k dial up instead? You can play and host EE without a problem and it's cheap.
Try telling Joey and Herik that lol

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by Omega »

Destroyer wrote:
inola wrote:
President Obama wrote:I cant play empire earth online either well not without lag which everyone leaves the game because of it. I dont play ee, Im just the guy who sits in the lobby and whores until he gets better internet.
Funny shit lol
Why not just use 56k dial up instead? You can play and host EE without a problem and it's cheap.
Try telling Joey and Herik that lol
If you're retarded and have a bunch of other stuff running that consumes bandwidth, you can't play EE on 56k without lagging. If EE and the lobby are the only programs running that are consuming bandwidth, you'll be FINE.

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

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Because we dont have a home phone line. We are forced to use voip. Disadvantages of living on a farm.
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by inola »

President Obama wrote:Because we dont have a home phone line. We are forced to use voip. Disadvantages of living on a farm.
I lived on a farm once for about year and we had a phone line. I hated living in the woods 40 minute drive to the nearest grocery store and even longer to a mall.

Fishing was great tho ponds everywhere large mouth bass heaven. That reminds me our gay president is outlawing recreational fishing. We go from one wacko president to another O.O

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

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Ph 40 minutes, a hour and 10 minutes here. Its also just mainly flat land here with low hills.
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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by thearseofwar »

Did Doom predate Wolfenstein? I'm struggling to remember...I think it did. If you want to be all old school purist about really should play Wolfenstein (the ancient one not the newer release) too. I remember getting pirate copies of both when they were originally released. Great games. They deserve to be remembered and rediscovered.

As to living on a farm. Good luck with that. I spent a few days on a farm over the last week attempting to herd sheep with was rather funny. What was even funnier tho was the shepherd (old, old woman) who spent most of the week screaming at me for not having 70+ years experience at the work. What an old demon. Not sure on the internet situation there...never got beyond trying not to lose the herd. ha.

As to recreational fishing? Well, my Uncle was a commercial fisherman (I grew up in Australia) and I did an awful lot of recreational fishing with and without him while growing up. But given that there is about 3 fish and a broken crab left in all the waters of the Earth..and we are all fast working hard to make that zero fish and no crustaceans...IF your president was trying to outlaw fishing (which I doubt, that Beck character is about as believable as a talking toilet) you should really be that we have killed all the fish we should prob stop.

What is it with you guys that seem to think we can just buttfuck the whole planet endlessly, for selfish pleasures mostly, and it will all just be fine? I don't know. Little confusing. Sadly, I don't fish anymore for fun, because really, the fish could do with a breather.

Keep up with your lobbywhoring. I'll look forward to adding you to the ignore list if it is as excessive as you claim.


p.s. it's PETITION you are after...not PARTITION....partition is what you might like to try and do to all the idiots that believe when nothing is left there will still somehow be something. Or something like that.

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Re: Presidential Partition For DOOM!

Post by President Obama »

Jeeze I read that message and was thinking jeeze this guy is quite mean and rude. Then I looked at the poster and saw arseofwar and just went oh.
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