Build order help

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Build order help

Post by Lesley »

Hello! :)

I am Lesley, And im a very big fan of the Save-EE forums, I never ever posted something before but i found some problems im facing nowadays!
I play GameRanger and im one of those less players over there who only plays middle age, Im a true Middler hehe :)
And im really making up new strategies, Cool attack manouvres etc.
Last days i found a guy over there making the same amount of long swords f11 10 with 2 barracks as me with 3 barracks ( my record is 62 ).
Now i i trained that exact same manouvre as he did with the farm boom and the towers,2 houses and i can't get it to work :p !! I really don't know what im doing wrong.
can somebody here PLEASE make a build order/+ hotkey schedule to make a proper 2 rax swords strategy ? :D

I wish you all a good day and i hope my first post will be well received :D
( I can't get Save-EE to work sadly, I wanna play both GameRanger AND save-EE
-I want to stay there ASWELL because i got a very friendly clan- )

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Re: Build order help

Post by LacRimoSa »

6 cits to iron
6 cits to food patch
4 cits rax
4 cits rax

Expan your iron rly fast, and with a proper civi, u can make the 3 rax at ~f11 4-6.
At f11 10 4 rax and 1-2 farms are possible. Hero at ~f11 14-16.
All in all, this strat is weak at the start, but rly good in longer games.

Ps: You gonna need 3 towers and 4 houses to defend rushers.

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Re: Build order help

Post by Omega »

First, I suggest that if you're having problems getting any part of the save-ee system to work, that you make a post in the support forum here on this board. We'd be glad to help you get everything sorted out so that you can play on both! (By the way, there's no reason you can't move your entire clan over too! ;))

As for a 2 barrack start, I suggest you check out Texas Ranger's post on one here: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=1947&p=13328#p13109

The advantage of a 2 barrack start over a 3 barrack start is that it allows you to focus more on building up your economy at the start, since you're not spending the wood for the extra barrack, the food for the extra swords, and you don't need to mine the iron for the extra swords either. This basically gives you the opportunity to have a stronger boom (or more accurately, a faster boom, which leads to a stronger economy at any point in time compared to a boom that is relatively slower) than a 3 barrack start allows. You absolutely do need expansionism to make a 2 barrack start worthwhile at an advanced to expert level of play (meaning you'll only see it on AoC), and the reason for this is that without expansionism a 3 barrack start will completely dominate you since to take full advantage of the 'extra' resources afforded you this start, you have to sacrifice 5 citizens very quickly to populate a settlement into a town center, which severely gimps you to the point that a 3 barrack start player is going to have basically the same economy as you in the short term, but they're going to have a lot more swords, and a lot faster, which makes you die every time they play properly by mercilessly attacking you and leveraging their large advantage in numbers. (Expansionism essentially allows you to offset this advantage enough to give you a fighting chance at survival, since it allows you to not sacrifice your citizens, get morale on all your towers, usually allows you to have 2 bars of morale in the range of a town center or two in addition to 4 bars in range of your capitol, and the obvious citizen production capacity as well as increased returns on resources that the gathering bonus applies to.)

Basically, there are trade offs to each approach (assuming we're talking AoC--if we're talking EEC then a 2 barrack start is just plain bad, and shouldn't work against someone good unless the person with the 2 barrack start is cheating significantly), a 3 barrack start leads to relatively faster sword production initially, but a relatively slower boom, and a 2 barrack start gives you the opposite. With two roughly equal players, one with a 2 barrack start versus one with a 3 barrack start (again speaking of AoC), the 3 barrack start is going to have a slight advantage in early game, which will shift to the person with the 2 barrack start somewhere around 12 to 20 f11, and will eventually end with both players on essentially equal footing (assuming one of them doesn't kill the other at some point in there, obviously).

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Re: Build order help

Post by Ghost »

I'd assume you're not playing AoC since you're using GameRanger. If that's the case I wouldn't recommend a 2 barracks start for swords due to the lack of the expansionism power. Without expansionism it would be hard to get a quick boom when doing a sword strategy because swords require food. In order to get a lot of citizens quickly, you would have to populate a settlement to a TC. If you do that, you lose 5 citizens and then it costs you an extra 250 food to get them back.

A 2 barracks start for grens used to be not so uncommon years ago because you could drop building cost reduction to fit all gren bonuses. That's not the case for swords since you can already get all the bonuses you need in addition to building cost reduction. That makes doing a 2 barracks sword rush kind of pointless.
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Re: Build order help

Post by taco »

ive experimented alot with the 2 rax slut/boom. and ive found to make it work best(for me)when i did the following things.
i used the standard sword slut civ which does still have hunting in it.
that u upgrade iron mining about 3-4f11.
build 4 houses 3 towers.
its not really a slutting civ. u will b defending for sometime. every sword u have counts.
pop ur 1iron settlement right after ur 5 cits are done buildng the towers houses.(bout 2:30 or 2. from memory)
lure ur hippos early. send a sword or 2 to kill there hunt, if ur vsing a slutter this will hurt them alot slow them down, and put u incharge of the game from about 10f11+
dont stop building cits or swords. b wary of how much hunt u have as u will want to get more wood. if u have only 2 hippos then u would if u had 2 hippos + some elephents.
against expan u will have a slower boom. however u should b producing more swords then them. most cases u should end up beating them by hindering there eco. u dont want to lose many swords while doing this just slowing them them, focusing on a key resource. i find limiting them to iron is making them play ur game of btd strong swords vs weak or slowly built swords. while u patrol the middle mines. usually slows there eco down so u can catch up.
one thing u should note tho, a ca slut will tear u up. little u can do other then mass vikes till u hope to get a good boom.

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Re: Build order help

Post by Arntzen »

IMO sword 2 raxs start is only a good idea if ur haveing a uber good map which is not normall at all, or if u know ur enemie are worse then you (and you dont want to break his heart by killing him before 3 f11). Meaning he/she will waste alot of swords to f11 10. In GR there are alot of ppl who dont know what civ is, so you maybe have a good chance by doing this and still survive with a normall map, but 3 raxs are still the best option.
And keep in mind that the trib screen is now gone. With 2 raxs start u can protecting ur self. That might let ur team die, cuz u cant help them with tributes.

And btw Omega, she is in MW and they are not moveing. (I've asked them one hundred times)
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Re: Build order help

Post by Texas Ranger »

Omega I'm deeply touched that you would recommend my civ! :cry:

Since no one else mentioned it... why is the post in all bold letters!?!?! Always cool to see another mid sh player though! :wink:

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