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Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:40 am
by jnbooker15
I attempting to make a multiplayer scenario, that awards victory to the player or team that builds a town center on a center hill and controls it for ten minutes, and I have the trigger working, but need a way for a timer to be shown, when the trigger starts. Is this possible.

Re: Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:50 am
by lightnessking.
late reply; you can show a trigger by sending chat messages to the desired player.

Re: Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:46 pm
by jnbooker15
how do you do that, I have it send a message saying a player will win if the capitol is in the middle area, but there is no count down is there a trick to that.
The reason this matters is that it is a multiplayer scenario and each player needs to see the countdown on their screen.

Re: Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:10 am
by lightnessking.
The only thing I could come up with right now is have a trigger that fires a lot of other triggers with the countdown messages. (I currently dont have a device with EE on, so cant really check.) Could you perhaps clarify what EXACTLY you want and I could look into that in EE later if you want.

Re: Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 10:44 am
by jnbooker15
Ok, what I want is to award victory to the player/team that builds a capitol in the middle area, while providing a countdown timer for all players, is that possible.
The first part is fairly simple, but the second part is more complex.

Re: Scenario with victory condition

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:59 am
by lightnessking.
ill try when i have time, havent been around much lately though.