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Read this!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:59 am
by eeralf_
damn, i dont want post this buts is nessary

what are with our music, no ideas no plan?, grrrrr

when i watch or hear the music today iam must burb, sry

why our children so retarded?, lol, maybe i havnt a child ok
joke besides

- no new ideas
- most copy old songs and mean they do it better?, and btw they mean all believe the song is from self, hahahahaha
- old groups always try it but only with old songs, ok its good and i love it, but never real a surprise
- betthoven , bach, and so, make the ground for all our music, why not a diffrent musik exist
. hmm cuiz our fuck media (TVmRadio) say us whats good, and the fuck mainstream destroy the music, cuz money


sry for loud, but its true what i mean

Edit: our music today is like global warming, nobody believe on this but it exist, grrrrrrrrrr
pls remember me on 2100, iam not on this age

Re: Read this!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:50 am
by _thor
was drunk hi

Re: Read this!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:59 am
by P-51
The problem is everything that can be done has been done. The only good music that can be made is something that is influenced by an older style.

Re: Read this!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:43 pm
by eeralf_
u are right P-51,
anyways, u saw the 70er, how many styles of rock and pop and new wave was created
and 80er, Hip Hop, rap, Techno ... etc (sry i hate it, but was new ideas)

ok Techno lol, a German band called Kraftwerk was the fundament for techno, or?

iam not sure what happens with the music in 20 years, np, i never reached it, cuz too old and to much beer, but iam sad for our young generation they than dont here good music .;)

maybe our music is also a similar too our technolity, it grows to fast and reached a end also too fast

Edit: the Univers need 15 Billions of years for get it to this today, hmm, the Human need oly 75000 years for destroy itself, burp, boing, lol

Re: Read this!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:54 pm
by eeralf_
_thor wrote:bro wtf eer

i lvoe music too

what is going on
i cant even read anymore
just wanted to say

i love bD, you made grteat music
a great dumemr shoudl never die
i liek guitars perosnally, iw rite a lot, im nto the best but i have spirit.

i lvoe you eer
i love u man u are hte best ralf, i have love for alot of people on here, i have disliek for even more

but goodbye everybody

hope u all live a nice life

farewell forever

pM Thor

thor ??????????????, bD man, ???????? whats happens, u leave all, ee, forum ??,
sry man u cant doit , i need u cuz u are a bD, and also i love u man, pls shut up and come next in lobby for match a old Mid Sh war like 2006-2007, u remember this was great and u love it, i know,
so put ur ass on lobby at weekend please, ty