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Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 11:57 am
by Omega
Destroyer wrote:Why do wacthmen look like guys dreesed in picth black holding a piece of paper?
Update Notes wrote:6) Model/Texture Changes:
-Watchman model replaced.
-Watchman texture edited.
-Watchman size edited so that it is that of a normal gun infantry unit.
The combined result of these changes is that Watchmen lower your FPS by SIX TIMES LESS. You can now use them en masse without suffering terrible lag because of it.
I'm aware that they look slightly retarded, but it's as good as they are going to get. Just don't zoom in and you shouldn't notice too much...

You should have seen how retarded they looked with the Sentinel model...

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:34 pm
by Silence
i dont wanna say there bad ideas and stuff, but i woudnt add to much into the mid epoch since i think its like even balanced now especialy with the moorish cav being added, maybe you can just ad 1 infantry unit whos good against cav arch without being realy sucky against swords like the vikings. but they should cost allot then

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:48 am
by Easy
you maybe want more arrow armour for an unusedunit like barbairans? or more attack on vikings????????????????????????

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:12 am
by \-Zodiac-/
more attack on vikings wouldent be good there main use is to fight archers because of there camo there not ment to take on a million swords

i honestly think the monly units that should be added to mid is huskarl and sammy

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:15 pm
by taco
i dont think its exactly time to b saying "these are the only units that should b added" until we actually try them out, after a week or 2 then i would start questioning whether or it improves the sett or not

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:56 pm
by Easy
\-Zodiac-/ wrote:more attack on vikings wouldent be good there main use is to fight archers because of there camo there not ment to take on a million swords

i honestly think the monly units that should be added to mid is huskarl and sammy

lol im not saying improv the hp on vikings, and swords are strong shock compard to vikings , meaning vikings wouldnt stand a chance unless you dramatically incase hp and attack on vikings

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:26 pm
by ben55
before you do more shit to aoc.. make aoc and eec parallel thanks

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:53 pm
by peow130
Easy wrote:like??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
you maybe want more arrow armour for an unusedunit like barbairans? or more attack on vikings????????????????????????
i rock barbs all the time..
they absolutely destroy archer units...
and the PF is good to harass your enemy lol

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:01 pm
by Omega
1) For anyone who missed my post about this awhile back (Certainly one of the lost posts as a result of our hacker), 2.1d will have all applicable changes up to 1.1d (OBVIOUSLY, changes to space aged shit, etc. WILL NOT be included, because unless you're retarded--to the people who actually asked about this, you know who you are, and now you know you're retarded too--you know there is no space age, special powers, etc. in EEC), and they'll be released at the same time.

Whenever they'll actually get released is, precisely, "Sometime before spring semester starts". Which is to say, whenever I actually have time to finish.

2) Silence, why would someone add a unit that is essentially just a viking that is better versus swords? I don't see anything compelling about this idea, so please elaborate.

3) Does anyone have any compelling ideas for changes to the crusader units that could turn the power's function into "hey I'm picking this cool useful power because it lets me make crusader units!" from the "Hey I'm picking this utterly useless power so I can get permanent fanatic units, which is cool, but ultimately a terrible strategy" it's currently at? If so, do share.

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:07 am
by taco
tbh i thought it would b cool if crusaders made either knights or swords slightly, i mean very slightly stronger like 50 hp for knights, and 25 for swords.. i honestly don't think this is possible tho but when i 1st started i went off the assumption crusaders = stronger, might give the power more bank for its buck

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:35 am
by peow130
Give the crusaders the abilities to convert quicker than a normal priest?

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:35 am
by ben55
No more units IMO until you fix Moorish. One unit was added and totally killed a setting. Adding 3 or more can kill the game if not properly tested which really is quiet an annoyance because most people who play in the higher tier think the game is perfectly balanced, while the lower tier players are like OMGZ SAMURAIZ SO SWEET I LOVEZ THIS PATCH!!!(Very elitist mindset, but the game is fine how it is why else would we still be playing?)

And tbh I don't really see any holes in epochs except Dark which well is THE DARK AGE, so it kind of makes sense.

Here are my suggestions for AoC

Expansionism 30 points again.

-MOD TL; It is already the best civ point you can get for this age. Why was it buffed yeah it added variety for a week, but then like how all games happen people zero in on the optimal thing, and well with this wood cutting is mandatory now for 2v2/1v1, and can be used in 4v4 wing very well. Hell it can make a great 3v3 pocket civ as well.

-MID SH; Not as game breaking here as Mod, but really doesn't add variety like you intended it to, so kind of meh here, but why make other setts suffer when this one is hardly touched by this change.

-P2S; Expansionism basically makes Cit Hp free since that is what most spend the 5 points on. Which makes no expan even less appealing having morale all over your base is basically passive cit hp, now you get the civ point too. Why go no expan?? The small early advantage you get is negated by cit hp and 4 houses throughout the opposing wing's base. Now you are left being equal in clubs, but failing at booming compared to expan.

Fanata remove; Retarded civ power which is easily abused in gun ages never used in 1-6, so why have it?

Those are my two big complaints. Pathfinding is annoying as hell in PRE, but it does make expan not mandatory, so I am cool with it.

edit; As for the Crusaders make them have a cool skin so while they suck they look more badass than the person killing them.

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:22 pm
by Sexacutioner
theres nothing wrong with expan in pre, people lose with it all the time

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:40 pm
by Moo
K thanks Omega But i still want Some buildings on here

Re: My new unit suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:02 pm
by peow130
-MOD TL; It is already the best civ point you can get for this age. Why was it buffed yeah it added variety for a week, but then like how all games happen people zero in on the optimal thing, and well with this wood cutting is mandatory now for 2v2/1v1, and can be used in 4v4 wing very well. Hell it can make a great 3v3 pocket civ as well.
i don't get your mod tl suggestion, you're saying you need to chop more wood because expansionism is cheaper?
That makes no sense at all.. Why would wood cutting be mandatory? The cost of a town center hasn't changed at all.