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Possibly dropping the shoutbox

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:07 pm
by Ghost
Shoutbox dropped.

Ok, so while I've been finishing up development of the new website template and portal, I was planning on reinstalling the other small misc. mods on a fresh copy of phpBB3.

The shoutbox we currently have was a pain in the ass to get set up, and was modified quite a bit -- to be honest I don't really remember what the hell I did to it. I'm starting to think that keeping the shoutbox is more work than its worth, since all that happens in there is...
  • a) Stuff that already happens in The Basement (retardation, flaming)
    b) Us calling each other gay and/or noob
    c) People asking for support (this should not happen there)
    d) People thinking that we do real chat/IP exchanging there (we obviously don't)
    e) People bitching about the server being down (if the server goes down, only 2 people can fix it, and we can only be at our computers so many hours a day, and if we are at a computer we have plenty of people to let us know it needs fixed)
Personally, I think the negatives I just listed are far greater than any positives we get out of it.

I know it might be "cool" to have a shoutbox, but this is a discussion forum, not a playground. We already have a place for people to actively chat (... the lobby, duh), so I don't see the true purpose of the shoutbox.

This is NOT a vote. I want some valid input on this, and if you want the shoutbox to stay, you'll need to try to legitimately convince me to keep it. I won't think twice about deleting piss-poor comments.

Re: Possibly dropping the shoutbox

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:52 pm
by inola
I don't care either way.

Re: Possibly dropping the shoutbox

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:02 pm
by SlipKnoT
get rid, last time i saw it used was a "server down" time. then same comments were there for days later.

Re: Possibly dropping the shoutbox

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:59 pm
by Moo
I say drop it we really don't need it anyway. I do think we should have some in bold letters that says "If your having a problem with the lobby click here But the shoutbox is pretty useless just get rid of it.

Re: Possibly dropping the shoutbox

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:34 pm
by taco
drop it, its only encouraging me to randomly say "servers down omg fml"