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Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:30 pm
by Moo
Well im trying to figure out what Xbox model I should get and I'm stuck between 2 new models (I am not going to buy the new Slim/Super Elite one, I need one thats hackable)
First theres the regular Xbox 360 Elite with Spliter Cell and 2 remotes ... Id=9836936
Then there's the Final Fantasy XIII edition ... Id=9779761
They both have the Jaspar chipset, 2 remotes same HDD Size.
I like the FF game better but the SC has the elite xbox, I'm not sure what edition the FF one is, it dosen't have a design so it looks like a regular Xbox. Also before anyone says "BUY A PS3 U FEGGOT" I already own one

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:42 pm
by Ghost
The only difference between them is one is black and has SC:C and the other is white and has FFXIII. It says they are both "Elite". If you don't care about the color, pick the one with the game you want.

Personally I don't see any reason to buy an old one, I have one of the new ones on pre-order at Gamestop so I can trade in one of my old shitty ones.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:35 pm
by inola
I agree id get a slim.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:36 pm
by Moo
Moo wrote:(I am not going to buy the new Slim/Super Elite one, I need one thats hackable)
By hackable I mean Flashable, well by Setember I'm hoping the new Super elite is hacked and MS will probally also have a bundle deal by then, hopefully a GOW3 one

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:45 pm
by Ghost
I know you said that but seriously is it that important to flash your 360? If you absolutely have to then you should probably just get one on eBay or something for cheap.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:16 pm
by Moo
See I'd like to get an xbox to play online and all but I already have the PS3 and the PC so whats the point of another system? The only benifit would be Gears of War 3 and thats not worth spending 300$ just on, This system is just for me and my friends to take on the go when we have a party, As you probally already know the Xbox has A LOT of titles to choose from meaning I need a big enough HDD, Wifi isnt really important since I get my warranty voided if I go online but I don't when/if I have to return it for any problem. What I want is a nice gamirng system for me and my buds, the good thing is theres 4 of us meaning 4 conttrollers is all we need. As for the flashing I'm not doing any of that shit, I'm sending the box to my uncle in mexico and have him flash it (Canada is also an option.) I see what your saying by just getting a regular old xbox and all but I'm not paying for everything I get 50 from the 3, I pay the rest but the Xbox is going to be mine to keep. I honestly do not believe the slim is un-flashable so I'll wait till setember and see what happens.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:14 pm
what do you guys think about the xbox 360 arcade?

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:14 am
by Ghost
It's probably not that bad of a choice now because in recent updates they made it so you can use USB flash drives and external hard drives for memory storage (with a limit of 16 GB). Really you need to look at each package and decide what's best for your needs. The last one I bought was the new, small one with the glossy black finish but that's because I traded in one of my old boxes (with some other stuff) and I only paid about $30 for it.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:01 pm
by Warrior_Kings Chase
why a shitbox360???? they suck. when u can get a ps3slim for more money and get a better system!!! so sad. u are wasting your money!!!!

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:25 pm
by peow130
when you can get your shitbox 360 flashed, for free games, and it connects to everything in your house.

Re: Choosing an Xbox

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:50 am
by lightnessking.
Warrior_Kings Chase wrote:why a shitbox360???? they suck. when u can get a ps3slim for more money and get a better system!!! so sad. u are wasting your money!!!!
U're lame.

Why don't you just stop breathing for less oxygen and so we can have a better life, so sad u are wasting our oxygen. <lame being mode off>