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Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:10 pm
by noobsneedtraining
Oldspice wrote:Jossos here, and I have played this game, and feel like talking about it for a bit.

Firstly, the gameplay is as stale as it comes. I thought starcraft 1 was pretty cool, but I never stuck with it since I had empire earth. every game is the fucking same. Sure you can chang your build a bit, but every game you're mining the same fucking minerals and gas, making the same fucking buildings. The only strategy really is when you decide to expand or not, make a certain building first, research something first, aswell as harass enemy with probe or drone or sev, and if you figure out what units do what, you can micro them the same way every battle you come across. Some of the units are interesting, but this game is just FLAT.

So why does everyone love the starcraft series? I already know. It's the little unit animations in those boxes, and the outstanding cinematics (which are actually a bit dodgy sometimes I noticed in the campaign). A lot of other games never had this when starcraft 1 did it (the little unit animations in the box i mean), so they could get away with a basic game (that was actually pretty good for it's time) and throw in those nice cinemetics too.

Starcraft 1 was good in it's time, but it didn't even have as much diversity as age of empires 2, mind you i think aoe2 was made sometime after? I'm not sure but I think so.

Starcraft 2 has no excuse to be the same fucking game after 10 years. But what the dick do they care, they are making buckets of cash from this. The graphics are all that sells it. So much emphasis went into the graphics, and it really looks great, but the gameplay is just the same every fucking game, and there's not really that much you can do. I like the collosus unit. It's cool, but once again, same shit all the time. Watch out for the unit's that counter collosus, use collosus to kill lot's of units.

I've always noticed that unlike empire earth, starcraft needs maps that create "impassible terrain" like how maps always have those lava pits or those cliffs, or those holes in where u can see a whole city below, thrown all over the place in order to make choke points and whatnot. If they actually just had a normal map without these impassible areas, the crap diversity of starcraft units and buildings would be much more obvious, whereas empire earth players create their own map from the randomized one, and don't need all that , impassible crap. (which you can fly over i suppose, but it's still not the same)

This game completely sells itself on its goddam excelent graphics, which is all blizzard wants, but the gameplay is 10 years behind - They covered this up well. I weep for the future of RTS games.

I've returned My starcraft 2 game back to the store, and am glad to have it out of my house.
Why? becuase it's created by blizzard.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:03 pm
by Oldspice
No I'm not biased against blizzard. I enjoy diablo 2, and am looking forward to diablo 3. I'm just saying sc2 is nothing but the same bland game as sc1, which a lot of people like

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:33 am
by ben55
I'm curious on how you returned it back to the store if you opened and played it. Since well once you register that CD-KEY the game is bound to you, and no store is going to take that type of open software back, so did you even buy the game?

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:28 pm
by devilridermax
here in australia we have a good community who look out for one another
so to my concern my Electronic boutiqe and some other outlets let you use the game for 7 days and return it for free if u dislike it
with or without cd keys ! n!gg@ wut

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:25 pm
by X warrior411
Oldspice wrote:Long thing about Starcraft II whoring graphics.
X warrior411 wrote:
SKULLS wrote:Wish i could say that i will try it. But i doubt anyone will ever be able to find as good a white powder as ee.
It's a shame a lot of people isn't aware of this game's existence.

When Empire Earth was made, it had something special in it (which Ghost call it Playability or something), which stood the test of time. It's nearing nine years old. I've played similar games such as Warcraft 3, and it only toke me 2 hours to get bored of it, same concept, but it had a vital thing missing from it, which ghost says, is playability.

I don't know if Starcraft 2 will share the same fate as most RTS games, but, like ghost said, if they go 'Graphics > Gameplay' (which they probably will), it won't live up to it's hype :|

Look at EE, it's almost nine, and the graphics, compared to modern games, blow. However, Empire Earth is just so fun (and to some, addicting, apparently), that it was able to withstand such hardships (e.g. The Old Lobby getting shut down)
What did I just tell you a few months ago?

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:15 am
by ben55
Okay Jossos you are correct you mine the same two resources the whole game, but ee is five and in sometimes only two as well. Build Order and Units haha not at all there are so many things you can do it is incredible. EE has pretty much the same build orders throughout to. Most people 3 raxx barracks in middle, 2 archery, 1 barracks in tl on wing, etc. EE has all these fluff units like stingers, helicopters, etc that never get used. SC2 these units have a niche and can be useful if you scout and anticipate. I play Terran which does the same start(most of the time) the first 15 pop no matter what which is about 2-3mins. After that depending on what civ I'm vs I can do a ton of things. While other civs can do entirely different things from the get go.

And you are complaining about the preserving of the gameplay. Well for a game that was successful for ten years why would they tweak the gameplay the community enjoys. They do have units that weren't in SC1, and have tweaked it very minor, but why fix something that isn't broke.

Then you said "same shit all the time make collosus watch out for what kills it" umm that is basic RTS concepts you make a unit that kills something and it is killed by something. How are you even complaining about that? That is like me saying yeah the spearman is cool, but fuck i hate these archers that counter my spearman.

You then go on to discuss about the maps with impossible terrain EE has the same shit with mountains and trees, and save for pathfinding you can't cross over them. The idea of choke points creates tactical placement and thinking. Same shit happens(control on hill, building walls, choke points on medit, etc) on EE once again I don't understand how that is bad thing they are asking you to think a little bit instead of just "rushing" or "booming".

I can't even understand how you can say SC2 doesn't have any diversity in units.

P2N - Clubman/Spearman/Siege/Bombers/Gun Inf/Maybe some Robots late game
MID - CA/Sword/Knights/Ballista
* That is for everyone

As Terran I will make

Marine/Maurader/Ghost/Raven/Viking/Medivac/Siege Tank Nearly every game, and if I choose I could also add Banshee, Reaper and Hellion to that depending on the situation. Plus I have to understand what the other guy's units do and how to counter them.

Building diversity is just as much complex as well. I would say more than any other RTS that I have played at least Terran is.

AOE2/3 was complex in your mind haha?? You for real? AOE3 was a France/Ottoman cluster fuck you made like 3 units throughout the whole game, and AOE2 was just fucking Towers+Paladin spam(Think Knights+Hero+Towers on EE). All of it was Crtl walking while this game you can really only A walk(crtl walk) versus very bad players or when you just out mass them by so much micro doesn't matter(which won't happen versus a good player).

Like really all your complaints about SC2 and what you love about EE is very confusing. You say you hate something about SC2 then it is the same on EE if not worse.

I'm very nit picky on RTS games, but I can say 1000 times over SC2 kicks the shit out of EE/AOC in replay value and enjoyment, but everyone has their own opinion, but please when you are going to make a complaint make it logical. Not some not very thought out rant that has holes in every point.

Also that store is really stupid if they take an open product like SC2 back since that poor lad who picks it up won't ever get to play it due to the fact his cd key will already be registered to battlenet.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:35 am
by Moo
Im not too sure this will work but he could have used one of his friend passes instead of the real one.... but still there would be a fee for that I think.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:18 pm
by stevefrench
i bought it for 50 bucks , then figuered i couldnt install it on my crappy computer. a while later i got a new computer and my disc is no where to be found now , i blame star craft for putting there discs in crappy paper sleeves ..

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:01 pm
by BLaKe
so who's playing this atm?

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:04 pm
by lightnessking.
SpartaN wrote:so who's playing this atm?
no one since its a shit game.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:05 pm
lightnessking wrote:
SpartaN wrote:so who's playing this atm?
no one .
how do you know no one is playing it?

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:23 am
by lightnessking.
Do you see anyone saying yes yet :P? Aslong no one say yes I assume no one plays it ^_^ lol.
And again, it's a shit game.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:23 am
by Arntzen
Starcraft 2 vs EE

First of all SC2 is a 1v1 game mainly. 2v2 is ok, but if you are a teamplayer who almost only play 4v4's then SC2 isnt the game for you.
If I'm going to compare SC2 1v1 to anything in EE it gotta be liga. Any other settings on EE is just a bonus.
Now, here are big differences between the games, I'm gonna compare the 2 and try say some pros and cons.

Maps on SC2 is pre-made.
1. This makes it more fair for tournaments since they will ballance the maps that suits the different races.
1. The skill of addapting to the map ingame (like towerplacement, chooseing strat after what resources you can defend the easiest) is gone.
2. Scouting is very limited. There is either 1 to 3 places ur enemie can spawn depending of the map. I will compare scouting on SC2 to scouting in any setting on EE with plains map type and reveal map on.
3. Also I find premade maps alot more boring, spesually when they all are pretty much the same.
Economy, micromanagement and macroing.
Economy in SC2 is supereasy compared to EE. What economy consist in SC2 is the ballance between the 2 resources. Also I will add buying/building supply depot/pylon/overlord. The reason this is supereasy is because this takes SO little APM/Playerspeed compared to what the economy part in EE does (Forcefeeding, manageing/ballanceing 5 resources).
Micromanagement is very different for the 3 races. I find terran to be the easiest race to micro with because I can relate to EE-micro in ww1-nano. Compared to EE I find micromanagement to be alot more important in EE. There is alot of reasons for this one important one got to be that in SC2 you are able to wall off your base quite easy as terran/protoss. Also as zerg the angles you can attack from is very limited. Dropships/warp prisms is very effective and makes things more interessting, but it still cant compare to early game pressure you can make in a ligagame.
Macroing for a terran player consist of makeing new buildings for units/uppgrades and knowing when to expand. But the most important one is knowing what units/tech-route you need to go for. As well as USEING the buildings you have bought. For an EE player useing his produsing buildings comes without saying, but in SC2 that pretty much can get you up to diamond, and knowing what unit/tech-route gets you up to masters league. I find this kinda simular to EE tbh but aswell as manageing macroing your economy management needs to be very good to become what we in EE comunity will call "decent - good".
Popularity, tournaments, community and things around the game.
Compared to EE I gotta give all this points to SC2. This is IMO the reason why every EE-player that switched over to SC2. Not only HUGE community.. Tournaments happening all the time. With the "things around the game" I mean quickstart, ladder, new patches happening often to improve the game. Imagine opening save-ee lobby client, press quick-start.. Choose your prefered setting and how many players you want to be in that game. Then wait 5-20 secounds for the game to start. NOW this is awesome. Now think about save-ee saveing all your results, finding players on your level next time you press quickstart automaticly. This is what you get in SC2.
Because of the popularity the competition is INSANE. Indeed we do have a few professionals left in EE. Problem is these players dont really need to try their best to win. Like I play with Ras every day, and have seen him try 2 times. One time just to show how a real cav micro was done, and one time to beat me and trix in a 2v1 2 times. In SC2 the best players (I'm talking top 10 of the world) really have to try against atleast 100-200 players to be able to win. In other words, competition in EE is nonexcistent for pros.
Imo EE is alot better game to play because of more action. Also find EE so much more interessting because of all the different settings you can play. Compared to only 3 races in SC2. Also I really like random maps compared custom maps, I find it needs more skill also makes it more interessting.
On the other side EE is outdated. Not only the obvious grapichs but also that I was talking about (ladder/quickstart). Unless you only have a old computer that cant run SC2 or not money for the actual game, I would have an hard time trying to convince a person to choose starting to play EE over SC2.

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:21 am
by lightnessking.
Imagine starcraft 2 with the gameplay of ee.

Best game for life.

Tho because starcraft 2 is "new" compared to EE, there are more advertisements and therefore more players knowing the existence of the game. Imo the main problem for EE is that many people don't know its multiplayer existence.

So yea, if any game producer reads this, create a new EE with better graphics and tourny/ranking system, and your company will become rich. >.>

Re: Star Craft 2

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:29 am
by Arntzen
starcraft 2 isnt "new" its NEW compared to EE.

But ye, EE with wud own.. doesnt even need new graphics imo lol.