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Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:03 am
by simple_faith
laffoutloud, i think bc the wins this one folks


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:42 am
by Trichome Indica
Just in case there is a possibility that others may not be aware of the fact that ;
1. Nuclear plants mission is to BOIL WATER. Yes that's right, all this risk and pollution just to boil fucking water. It doesn't take much to see that the purpose of these plants is not to boil water to produce electricity. The purpose of these plants is to make civilians pay for electricity while they go about collecting their materials created within the process, to continue making nuclear bombs and to cause leaks to further exterminate the human race.

I suggest 1 capsule of Coral calcium with 1000 i/u vitamin D 3 times daily.
1 capsule of Norwegian kelp to protect Thyroid glands.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:06 am
by PeLlE
Trichome Indica wrote:Just in case there is a possibility that others may not be aware of the fact that ;
1. Nuclear plants mission is to BOIL WATER. Yes that's right, all this risk and pollution just to boil fucking water. It doesn't take much to see that the purpose of these plants is not to boil water to produce electricity. The purpose of these plants is to make civilians pay for electricity while they go about collecting their materials created within the process, to continue making nuclear bombs and to cause leaks to further exterminate the human race.

I suggest 1 capsule of Coral calcium with 1000 i/u vitamin D 3 times daily.
1 capsule of Norwegian kelp to protect Thyroid glands.
But you did understand how electricity is produced right?


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:59 am
by AnonymousMadScriber
If you took everything you thought you knew.
Information given to you by ;
and Doctors .
And then took this information and,
turned it upside down :arrow:
flipped it on it's side.........
bent it into an extremely weird shape.

You would be so much closer in knowing the TRUTH !
than you are right now.
Be learned.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:10 am
by DrHouseMd
Nuke power owns if you're on a fault line. LMFAO! j/k


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:12 pm
by Captain Nemo
Oh my topic is still alive, kinda left it there without following up. Thank u for replies most of u (not u BC thats just flaming get out of my topic).

Anyway I'd have to agree with ghost, that this ressource should be explored more. I'd also say there should be increased security as it will in the future be targets for terror attacks (well most likely). I saw a documentary on a new power plant in Finland that at the time (2011 I think) was the biggest in the world. It was so secure u could fly the worlds biggest aircraft into it and it would still stand. Should it by some sort of accident melt down it would just fall into a giant pool of water underneeth and avoiding any accident. Now thats the kind of security that should surround every power plant IMO.

The advantages are HUGE. It produces MUCH less CO2 than oil/gas/coal since the reaction itself doesn't make any CO2. Consequenses of CO2 is not fully understood and therefor should be avoided. Guesses of a new ice age - should that happen would be catastrofic. The waste however is impossible to get completely rid of which is the major drawback, but we do have alot of space in the underground it's just a question of digging need enough. How much we have is very unsure, but estimates of 200 years are normal. Some new technology suggests a better use of it which could extend this to more than a thousand years.

I think like ghost that untill we can properly explore sun/wave/wind/lightning etc etc, this is the cleanest alternative.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:10 pm
by DrHouseMd
Topic was basically dead before I posted on it. And I single handely, doubled the post count. (Nearly).

I think this debate is good and have nothing against nuclear power. I just want people to have correct facts when they talk about issues. I see nothing wrong with correcting someone who is wrong. The only issue I can forsee with Nuclear power is the disposal of waste and the threat of a melt down. Other than that, its a pretty sound energy plan.

Ghost is right about the other forms of energy like wind, solar and geothermal. The issue with these is that they arent as effective as other forms so far. Maybe one day they will become viable but until then we best use what works now and research new ways.

Another form of power that has been overlooked in this thread is hydroelectric. This is actually a small percentage of the pie, about 7 percent or so. ( Source :

I think maybe we should implement more dams and rely less on coal. Not sure if this would be sound policy or not but its open to debate.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:04 pm
by Omega
Fission is good a good alternative to current non-renewable resources, but we shouldn't be using it forever.

As to how much uranium is actually left, those who've read the article linked by Black Cobra will realize that it explicitly states it's looking at economically recoverable uranium at slightly higher than current prices. The cost of uranium in nuclear power is however only about ~2% of the overall cost per kW/h of electricity, which means that an order of magnitude increase in cost for uranium is going to increase the price per kW/h by about 1 cent, which is a fairly minor cost increase overall. Obviously, if the price of uranium increases by that much, much lower concentration deposits will be economically recoverable, and as such just based on known reserves, the amount of uranium will increase substantially over the estimates in Black Cobra's link. Furthermore, very little exploration for uranium has actually been done. Comparing this to say, oil ~50 years ago, some people were predicting that we would have hit peak oil production by now--but we haven't, and the reason is that continued oil exploration meant the known supply of oil substantially increased. Given how little exploration has been done for uranium, it would make very obvious sense that this same argument would apply (and even more so based on our knowledge of geology, et cetera, and even just via statistical modeling looking at where has been explored and what's been found there and extrapolating to unexplored areas). Finally, and probably most importantly, this is only talking about current reactor types; conceivably, switching to breeder reactors and using them for power generation would extend things even further. Plus, even if we assume there's only 100 years left, that's a huge amount of time given how fast technology progresses. If we haven't figured out (for example) *extremely* efficient nano-engineered solar panels and been able to deploy them by then, I'd be very surprised.

As for the waste, that's obviously a big disadvantage of fission. I'm confident that we'll EVENTUALLY crack Fusion (and I'm talking about controlled fusion... If you want uncontrolled fusion we've already done that), at which point transmutation of current transuranic waste (to stuff that isn't quite so nasty) could be very viable.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:03 pm
by Ghost
DrHouseMd wrote:[big ass rant that i skimmed]
I'm well aware of different debate strategies and what you failed to realize is that I used one to troll the shit out of you. I didn't refute your argument, I simply called you out on a fallacious debate tactic by using another one. I would now like to encourage you to memorize the lyrics to the following song. Good day.

As for contributing to the topic...

I already gave my opinion and regardless of how much uranium there actually is, we won't ever have to use it all because technology is developing too fast. You can buy shingles that double as solar panels. Pretty cool, huh bro? Whether or not they work any good I sure as hell don't know but I bet they'll be 100x better in 20 years.

I'd also like to dream that the immensely engineered buildings of the future will power themselves by having the foundations tap straight into the planet's geothermal power. Would be the fucking illest shit ever.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 8:16 pm
by DrHouseMd
You didnt need to refute my statement because it was true. Everything I have said is true. We dont have thousands of years of uranium and you are stupid. No refute needed.

As to skimming my post, I would to skim a post that WTF PWNZOR me too. Clearly in a battle of wits you cannot beat me. You didnt troll me. I know you and you tried to get a good one liner that actually fell flat. I pwned you, admit it bro. Everyone says you got owned.

As far as for the video, its what your mom proclaims for hours while i satisfy her in ways your micropenis father cant. Bitch. Now I'm gonna go eat piece of apple pie while i laugh at your sorry ass.

Good night noob. Kthx bye.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:30 pm
by Ghost
u mad bro?


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:46 am
by Fraktardo
u troll me, i troll, no u didnt, yes i did

when will u realize the truth written behind the lines?

What if "troll" is just a mask to wear to tell the real truth! It's a different angle, has to come at you from under the bridge, don't decide immediately fake or real, but take from it what it's worth! And there is nothing that's worth nothing.

dang manni does it better than me. Salut


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:20 am
by Trichome Indica
An attempt at logical thought.

So, if we are asked -
What is the most efficient, clean, renewable and cost reductive methods to produce electrical energy ? The various responses would most definitely contain explanations of what is widely known. By this i mean the most common commercial production techniques
ie: Nuclear, Solar, Hydro, fossil fuels, Geo thermal and Wind Power and Coal.

Let's itemize that as follows.
1. Nuclear 2. Solar 3. Hydro 4. Fossil Fuels 5. Geo Thermal 6. Wind Power 7. Coal
So this is whats being offered as Energy choices for life on planet Earth
all of which is regulated and sold.
Let me wrap this up :D

So i ask you all the following question.
How can we, as residents on planet Earth contribute in making wise energy choices that would be good for both the planet, and the residents therein when we are given only 7 (seven) choices ?
And the reality is, we have way more than that to chose from,
we have just never been told about them.
One can only comment, debate and consider that which one is aware of.
All the facts are NOT known. Dig a little deeper down the Rabbit hole..........


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:58 am
by DrHouseMd
Not mad, just feel pitty for you and your stupidity. Thats all, have nice day and Happy Valentines DAY!


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:40 am
by lightnessking.
Fraktardo wrote:u troll me, i troll, no u didnt, yes i did

when will u realize the truth written behind the lines?

What if "troll" is just a mask to wear to tell the real truth! It's a different angle, has to come at you from under the bridge, don't decide immediately fake or real, but take from it what it's worth! And there is nothing that's worth nothing.

dang manni does it better than me. Salut
You, sir. Are a boss, but yes manninator still vaparizes y0 ass.