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Re: Grens

Post by CusTomm »

taco wrote:theres nothing hard about controlling 10 of the same unit or 300 of the same unit. especially guns. where the only micro id use is the pull the first few rows bak through ur army. it may lag a little more with 300 units but its the same shit. add dragoons a some bronze cannons. and microing becomes alot harder.
im still a little confused that u actually said (a, b) would b more difficult. same test paper same questions just less variables. = harder? i think ull b on ur own for that 1.
Well , if you say controlling 300 grens isnt hard you probably never played it on tiny maps , whrre most time you have to manage with forest on hills , rocks are blocking the ways , sometimes you are fighting on i really tiny space... and make grens when you go for attack not running everywhere he is thing that we can consider as skill. I seen so many all-set players who are just not used to it and cant handel the grens, so they were running everywhere.

On plain maps where there is nothing it is probably no problem. But even advanced gren players like Flames , shady etc, have probelmes to micro this. And i never said that microing in indy tl with dragoons wont be harder. But please tell me when the next indy sh is hosted.
Indy tls wont last that long ... Liga games will age before you can have a big army.

The arguement wasnt really good. If you are telling me that you can micro >300 grens easily. There is two ways. You are really really good gren player, which i dont expect. Or you just never played it ona difficult map.

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Re: Grens

Post by CusTomm »

Elite wrote:I've seen alot of allsetts players be effective at grenwars despite rarely playing it, myself included. On the other hand I've seen alot of grenwars players who patently refuse to play anything else because they know theyll get their ass kicked in a more complex game. Frankly I have no interest in trying to micro 300 of one unit, at that point the limitations of the game interface and game engine become more of a problem than my actual micro abilities. Basically once you have a large-scale grens battle where both parties have a hero and enough grens to kill said hero in 1-2 volleys, assuming both players are not absolutely retarded and since theyll obviously be using the same civ it becomes about who has more mass / is a better masser. Obviously morale terrain basic micro etc. apply but these elements also apply in other setts, grens simply removes the issue of counters and the related eco elements. All things being equal, grens is about massing. It represents a dumbing down of the game and it sucks that so many people only play that sett. For me its no better than tetris to be honest.
Well you say that you are a good gren player , or could be one. But on the other hand saying that massing is all the gren game requiers.
That just shows that you dunno how to play gren properly, everybody can just camp in gren , as well as in other sets. I can mass in mid as well.... i can mass in indy sh as well. People will just try to attack you, as well as in gren. If you just stay back in the base... well fair enough , but thats nooby. And that is not a feature of gren...
And i really can tell , that you wont be a good gren player...
Not playing a set and saying that i can play it is rediculous. As easy as gren is to you, you really wont have a chance playing this set good when you dunno how...
And what you wrote just shows me that you got no idea of how the set should be played well.

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Re: Grens

Post by Sexacutioner »

omg stfu and just play some bx cause thats all fuckin grens is

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Re: Grens

Post by CusTomm »

Well pre is just worse. Standard is not giving you resources fast enough to age quickly, the unit is even more boring than in gren. Not allow to kill hunt. Basically nothing special in this set.

No micro requierd apart form hit some cits and run forward and backwards.
Boom is basically impossbile in pre with standard

The only proplematic thing is the unreaval map, so dont tell me anything about gren -.-

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Re: Grens

Post by empire2 »

Wow i really got to add a god damn comparison to all these low brains here.

football/soccer vs freeclimbing

Im sure you all agree that if it comes to football everyone should be able to shoot a ball because that kind of sport is actually easy to learn but still trying to become the best or even one of the best is hardly possible if not impossible for 99,999 % of humanity.
Still everyone's astonished when ronaldo or messi are doing their fabolous tricks.
What im trying to tell you is that sports like football are easy to learn and that's the reason for its incredibly high level that teams such as barca or manu can offer you.

On the other side freeclimbing (btw i mean REAL freeclimbing) is pretty hard to even learn and that's why these people can't do miracles or further even harder things that allow them look down to the rest.
It's already hard to learn and there's a physical barrier that is not meant to go through

and can you please stop talking like fulltimelosers "HAHA LIGA OFFERS MORE OPPORTUNITIES SO WHOEVER PLAYS LIGA IS THE BETTER PLAYER" because that's really not deliberated

You obviously don't have any idea about grenwars and are not willed to learn anything about it Elite.

You should also keep being quiet Custom if it comes to pre since saying "boom is basically impossible in pre" is a dumb statement.

And STILL im not defending the grenwar community since it contains 95 % of total noobs, BUT im defending any sett on ee that seems fair and NOT disadvantaged by maps since that is another issue to me.
Last edited by empire2 on Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Grens

Post by sMLsIzE »

I would like to put my two senses in to this topic . Grenwars is actually not a set witch all old players know unless you don't know wth you talking about ... I will agree that you need to have a good player speed and know how to micro but the start is like the most important thing in grenwars by far . I remember when Death invented grenwars like 9 years back and lots of people were playing grenwars and learned to play it with guys like pedagogue XxLsIzE Storm Sniper inVinceable Lehombre Picasso etc ... sure missing good ones but my memorie is not that good -.- ... all great rushers and games would last 5 to 10 f11 max it was fun ....but now not all but 95% of grenwar players rush wall and wait for early hero then come to you LOL always same strat no changes of it what so ever I would of thaught that after 9 years grenwar players would be a little bit more clever but you cant even get players that make 60 grenz in 10 f11 or 15 in 3 f11 anymore they all gone or playing other settings ...
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Re: Grens

Post by ben55 »

the amount of units doesn't really matter you could argue larger or smaller being more difficult each has advantages and disadvantages what is important is the tasks they have to do and who you are against that dictates the degree of difficulty in micro. every other setting/age is more complex than grenwar speaking overall micro wise(military, economy management, building placement, etc) i dont see how it is possible to argue other wise with a straight face. this is a really silly topic to read so many biases and contradictions
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Re: Grens

Post by Sexacutioner »

CusTomm wrote:Well pre is just worse. Standard is not giving you resources fast enough to age quickly, the unit is even more boring than in gren. Not allow to kill hunt. Basically nothing special in this set.

No micro requierd apart form hit some cits and run forward and backwards.
Boom is basically impossbile in pre with standard

The only proplematic thing is the unreaval map, so dont tell me anything about gren -.-
yeah p2n/s never gets past pre where almost EVERY unit in the game is used :P

and even if it was just a p2s (eec pre is all the same) there are a lot of dif strats to use rather than just one and before i played pre i played liga, mod tl/sh indy tl space tl and grens for about a week till the repetitive uselessness got boring

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Re: Grens

Post by Elite »

For starters I've actually played more grenwars than I care to admit (sometimes there is nothing else hosted) so I do actually know a little about the sett. Also I don't see how you can say there's more to it than massing especially in a 1v1 all that happens is both players rally the nearest hill. There's no siege or snipers or sword cav - any sort of counter to force you to move so just wall your shit, rally hill and mass. I don't know of any of these "oldschool" gren players who were supposed to be so good, but most of those who play now are a sorry lot, just like most gren games I have played have come down to who has more units. I'm gonna have to agree with zeke, if you don't see that every other sett incorporates the same elements as grenwar but with additional elements (counters, more diverse eco etc.) adding complexity you're a ruhtard. I hate the sett, I won't deny it. If people would quit playing that bS and move to mod tl sh indy tl sh mid or anything else frankly, the game would be alot more lively. And don't tell me liga games never last, me and skulls have had several 1v1's recently where we both had 4-500 units on the board. You just have to learn how to not die at 5 f11 first, which admittedly is a challenge.

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Re: Grens

Post by Sexacutioner »

early grenwar was hardcore slut rushing till noobs took over, and not all games ended so fast but 80% of them did

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Re: Grens

Post by devilridermax »

grenwar?? ? rofl noob!

play marine war
is 10x more harder
stronger unit shoot faster stronger micro need to be top notch to play this ? why u dont see it hostdd
cos only elite players do this

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Re: Grens

Post by Omega »

devilridermax wrote:grenwar?? ? rofl noob!

play marine war
is 10x more harder
AoC Digital Age Black Robe Wars > ALL (In terms of 1 infantry unit only games, anyway)

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Re: Grens

Post by Elite »

I play two grenwar 1v1's today. It was basically a race to see who could identify and control the most central hill on the map first. So both times I got there just before the other guy, forced him to back off, wall the sides of my base and hill camped him until i had enough mass to push. Was free to eco rape while he tried in vain to get the hill back, also hill camping + hospital + tiny map so they absolutely can't go around you = win/grenwars in a nutshell.

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Re: Grens

Post by White Fang »

i dont play grenwar but instead of going for hill why dont u just go around and eco rape O_o?
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Re: Grens

Post by Hello0 »

cus these monkeys will call u noob when u do this >_>
I am sweet.

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