Bolton2's Knight Civ

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Bolton2's Knight Civ

Post by bolton2 »

Well if you search in the original MPA forums, this knight civ received praise back in 2004 when it was posted to help then.

For those who know, its not a bad civ and holds its own against almost anything. Now I don't want any rude comments about this civ. If you do not like it, do not use it. If you have questions about it feel free to post. I am merely sharing a civ idea for someone to use and or mold to their own liking.


Now there is another variant that i haven't used in years where you can either take away knight hp or speed and add caterphract btd and cr, but in todays skillful gameplay cats with no upgrades will not buy you time against a ca civ.

I call this civ the slut rush defense as it is meant to stop a sword rush. A little note for the future is that alot of my civs require the bonuses of expansionism. although these civs can easily be done without it and i have some stashed away, i like expansionism because cits gather faster from tc's and with civ bonuses you add even more.

so anyway how I USE THE CIV

I start out by taking 6 cits and building a tc by gold, 6 cits and building a tc by forage, 4 cits with a tc by gold, and the last 4 will build 2 stables and 3 towers.

When my first 2 town centers are done, I select them and my capitol and create a total of 12 cits.... thats 4 from both tc's and the capitol i set the gathering point for the 12 cits to the nearest tree that is closest to a tc.

The last tc I create 2 cits to complete the second mine. By then I am already highlighting both stables and creating knights whenever the eco is available.

Out of the 12 cits created, take the first 4 created and send them to forage any animal.

by about 4f11 if you forced gathered the wood or by 4:30 if you didnt, your 4 cits are done with the three towers and you have enough wood for your third stable. have the 4 make your third stable and send them to the other 4 cits to help forage.

it should now be 5f11 and you have 3 stables pumping knights.

by 6f11 if your force gathering or 6:30 if your not, begin upgrading your knights 1-2 upgrades as eco allows every half a minute f11.

if done right you should have anywhere from 23-27 knights by 7f11 and nearly if not full upgrades paid for by 8-9f11. also by 7-8 f11 the gold gathering bonus should have been researched.

if your 8 cits run out of hunt, then create a farm as u will have a surplus of wood, otherwise create cits for a farm if you have time.

from here, your on your own usually im fighting to much to care to boom or anything, but if you have time to boom, then do it. my objective is to give you ideas.

more civs and how i use them to come.

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Re: Bolton2's Knight Civ

Post by Minato »

Where is the civ? Can't see it
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Re: Bolton2's Knight Civ

Post by yoannis »

So mucth talk and u forget the Civ.Hilarious...

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Re: Bolton2's Knight Civ

Post by Arntzen »

Obviously the civ was in the image he uploaded, that is now gone.
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