Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch V 1.00 English Version

Post by PeLlE »

Which is just a tiny part of "good templay". A good team is not based on tributes. I know alot of good palyers who do never tribute. A good team needs skills, and alot of practise together.
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch V 1.00 English Version

Post by inola »

Sierra could have taken out the tribute screen a long time ago, no one would have cried over it, they were to busy making trash games (ee2/ee3) instead of perfecting the best game they made.

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch V 1.00 English Version

Post by Sexacutioner »

p2s/n players need their tribute screens as well otherwise it would change the whole aspect of the game and make it just a boom fest to copper while just defence whoring = boring with no attacking = LAME

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch V 1.00 English Version

Post by Ghost »

Has anyone else encountered a problem with AoC after applying this patch? I patched it successfully with the .exe and I have no problems with AoC.
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch V 1.00 English Version

Post by 10010 1111 10 »

Ghost wrote:Has anyone else encountered a problem with AoC after applying this patch? I patched it successfully with the .exe and I have no problems with AoC.
I just redid the patch on a fresh copy of ee and had no problem running AoC this time. Go figure. I don't know what went wrong last time.

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by peow130 »

Well i figured out your guys' server thing. A VPN rental type deal. I noticed it had support for several other games.
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by Captain Nemo »

Well first of all I think it's a great idea and thx to whoever made it. However I wont be using it. I hardly ever play with people I don't know and if one happens to tribute glitch througout a game most of the time it's not too hard to catch, and lately it's very rare that people have done it in my games. Especially in mod dm which I play alot tributes are made in huge numbers every game and it's just not worth it taking out that feature. I don't know anyone among the mod dm players who cheat anyway. But I still think it's a great idea and it's probably useful for many people.
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by sporaTiK »

I just want to say i'm in favor of this anti-cheat glitch! The eco glitch seems to be the only glitch people can really get away with unnoticed except maybe using a trainer. Either way, I think the benefits outweigh the negatives; not many people play diplo except for citybuilders and there is not a huge need for tributing your teamates...just play well so you don't need tributed : ) . Also getting rid of the tribute screen altogether allows for people to use the same civ names without other players memorizing them lol. It sucks having to change them around every now and again ; )


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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by Sexacutioner »

you CANT play diplo without the trib screen :P

and if people want to know your civ name all they have to do is click on one of your buildings

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by Wardog »

Well it seems i have reached a delema i don't know what to think since dj doesn't know about this yet, but i will suck cause all the glitchers will move to pre WTF lol
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by taco »

pelie ur looking at the small picture, good team work requires tributing(if u argue with this ur an idiot). the big problem with this patch is if u die in a team game, ur dead, ur team wont recover, ur team will remain without ur extra pop.. it definitely will change the way ppl will play thats for sure, and imo not for the better, we will find alot more selfish players emerge instead of helpful teamwork, alot less strategy and alot more walls and a much more focus on killing 1 player at a time, rather then weakening them all, for much of ee, who still believe doubling should b bannable(or some crap) they will definitely find its only going to get alot worse if this patch is applied.
it rids us from eco glitching which is like bin said awesome, but were losing so much more, directly and indirectly from losing the tribute screen.

in theory its a very good idea, and whoever came up with it deserves a round of applause , i don't no whats the right way around it, but i don't think this is it...

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by Sexacutioner »

the only thing that needs to be removed is the cancel button

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by PeLlE »

Sorry, but I still do not agree with you. Arguing by saying if you do not agree with me makes you an idiot is just foolish. I was playing alot of team games with fairly good teams. I was palying several mid sh clanwars. And mid sh is the only sett were you realy should tribute your iron to the wing to get a faster rush. Without beeing able to tribute, both , youa nd the enemy wing, will be slower and this is were real tamplay is required. Teamplay is obviously not tributing a wing to rush the enemys the wing to make his rush faster and deadlier. But you seem to forget that in case that no team can tribute any more everyones rush will be a bit to dead but trying to do clever moves/to outcounter the enemy. The only point I agree with you is that in case you're dead you will not be able to recover as easily as it works now. But this just stranges my point that good teamwork is required to not let any player of your team die. Sure I agree that tributing is a part of teamplay, but it is not as important as many people seem to think. tributing your iron to your wing doesn't make you a good teamplayer. And you alsos eem to forget thsat these changes woudl apply for both games so noone can tribute rush/recover fast any more. Sure this patch would change teamplay a bit, but in my oppinion it would change it into a good, skill based teamplay. One lastt hing: "less strategy" is wrong. What requires more strategy: A) Tributing or B) Trying to get one palyer down while the enemy does the same thing. I'd pick B). SO elts change your statement "good team work requires tributing" into "tributing is a little part of teamwork"

What is more important to you:
Having alot of glitchers or beeign able to tribute? This is the main question. I for myself can live without tributing.

EDIT: @ nemos not usign it: If we realy want this diea to work, everyone has to sue this patch or the glitchers will just not use it.
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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by taco »

ok u either ignored or misread half my post so im going to rephase it directly to ur response pelie.
""less strategy" is wrong."
the reason i believe it contains less strategy is because u are removing variables, setting limits to the game.(im all for removing ecoglithcing, just not at the gameplay's expense)
iron to a wing in mid isn't essential imo, any sword slutter can keep a constant sword production(with a little work) by feeding mines, just receiving 80 takes a little bit of work off the wing(lets them focus more on ecoing instead of production).
since ur arguing, i am going to call u an idiot, reasons being if u had spare resources u weren't using u SHOULD to b a good team mate tribute them. b4 u make a counter argument saying a good player never has spare resources, yes u do when ur pop is full(meyb ur wood or stone would b low) bout it, or even when ur partners eco is hurting.
"What is more important to you:
Having alot of glitchers or beeign able to tribute? This is the main question. I for myself can live without tributing."
i would much rather a few eco glitchers play then set a limit and c this game become undone, by reducing all the variables. in my experiences the only ppl i catch eco glithcing are noobs, and they lose basically everytime so i don't really have a problem with them unless they ruin a good game.(which they don't get into)
" you alsos eem to forget thsat these changes woudl apply for both games"
no i really didn't i gave u my opinion of how this will affect gameplay and what not. ur right it will slow some ppls rushes, but i think u will find if this patch is applied rushing will become a thing of the past, and so will alot of teamwork. it only takes 1 selfish person to ruin the idea of teamwork. and with this patch u will find every1 looking after themselves(from base rapes) instead of helping his team mates. knowing how hard it is to come bak without tributes sometimes, u will find strategies will lean towards walling, pathfinding, tripling, and even quadripling(i dont have a problem with these but i owuldnt like 2 c them all used commonly in a game), instead of working them down like we do now.

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Re: Empire Earth Anti-Cheat Patch

Post by PeLlE »

Well I fully understand your points, even tho I do not agree with your definition of teamplay. But I still think, that this patch would be a good way to stop eco glitchers. Because since we can't ban them any more they will get more and more. "The only people I catch eco glitchign are noobs" - Still it's annoying
And yes I did read your whole post, I just do not agree with the less teamplay ;)
But anyways I agree that it would limit the game but if it's necessary to stop glitchers I'd say we should do it. But I pretty much like the idea of just disabling the cancel button now ;)
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