Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Information and discussion about Omega's patches for EE and EE:AoC (no longer in use or under development)
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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by LacRimoSa »

ok.. not gonna read this.. anyway I have no problems with samurei.. etc.
However, I noticed a problem.
The Samurei button is where the longsword update button should be. It's therefore impossible to update bronze/dark swords to mid longswords.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Elite »

Thats funny because I seem to remember most of the patch discussion before the first patch was applied was focused on precisely that.

Sexacutioner wrote:patch was never about just fixing glitching, that was 1 of the things that was going to be tried

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by _Rs_ Megabullet »

To be honest Sexa i think ur full of nonsence,
And hobo i have a good understanding of the game i have played for what 6 years?
So he knows better because he is a mod or a u just sucking him up.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Sexacutioner »

well i remember being the ONLY one that was trying to test the ORIGINAL patch for OVER a WEEK


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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by sporaTiK »

I don't mind the samurai either since they don't interrupt game play much at all. However, those moorish inf or w/e the new fast guys with swords are called...should probably be taken out. Similarly to Elite's case, the group speed they will invoke will make every slut rush the hell out of the game-ha. the harl dudes are pretty meaningless too so i dont mind them; if the noobs want to have fun with them than let them ; )

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by LacRimoSa »

However, those moorish inf or w/e the new fast guys with swords are called...should probably be taken out. Similarly to Elite's case, the group speed they will invoke will make every slut rush the hell out of the game-ha.
uhm oook.. they have 13 speed, barbarians have 14... o.O so were's the problem?


the only new strat I can think of is "Just In Time Manufacturing" rush....

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by taco »

just read just about every post and no1 who disagreed with a patch gave any real answer..

yes the patches original plan was to get rid of glitches, and yes ur right it didn't get rid of them, but u cant say it did nothing either its now is ALOT harder to perform the eco glitch then it was b4. u can still use custom chat, however i doubt most of ee knows how 2.(and im fairly sure it wouldn't matter since i think the tick boxes are removed) this is by no means a bad thing, i think we can all agree there.
alot of u are saying every change was bad for ee, EL!TE and hobo u should both no that mids siege towers right now are much better off then b4.
the patch isnt going anywhere, so here is my advice for every1 who wants "save ee" using hobos words. give GOOD feedback of the patch instead so omega can get GOOD working results. omega WILL make alot of mistakes but without u testing it those mistakes will stick and thats also UR fault not just his, the patch isnt going anywhere, yea we might not need all these new units and maps, but is it really hindering the game? or are u just 2 lazy to learn and adapt?
lastly give a logical explanation of why the change/unit etc doesn't work and im sure omega would do what he can to fix that by changing stats, or removing it.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Hello0 »

well i'd say its just a beta it was a try and a fail :S... maybe do the right patch without any new units just with glitch/no custom civs fix :/
hey but remember: WE WANTED ALL THESE UNITS WE RE COMPLAINING ABOUT NOW!! and those who didnt, didnt say anything against it

in my opinion this game is completed now without any new units, same with lobby. u guys did a great job, a really great job..but id say: thats it ;) i guess everybody would be ok if the lobby and the game how its now

PS:moorish inf dies vs pilums faster than cits ^^ 10 pilums+ houses can take like 50 moorish :shock:
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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by ben55 »

I discussed this with Omega before he even released the Alpha, and he wanted to try and add variety it is a good intention, and I respect his efforts, but we all need to take some blame. I whispered at least 10-15 credible players skill wise to help test it, and explained if you want something changed or not changed COME TEST IT! Omega asked probably even more. Omega said clearly to me if people don't want things via feedback he will not add them. Now this is probably the type of feedback he would of liked 2 weeks ago. Maybe he will see this and not add anything, but don't press the blame solely on him because he doesn't know how these effect people. I was like the only one that complained to him simply because others were to lazy/didn't care or have some personal vendetta against all the admins or whatever.

Hover Tanks- were stated as CB units and really that is all they can be since well they don't get upgraded in civ editor. I kind of like it in P2S not having to upgrade 6 epochs of tanks too. Needed change no, but does it hurt anything no.

Moorish Calvary- They were overpowered in 1.1c now they are gimp catas with really there only niche being hey you got 10 ca and 20 ballista let me make like 10 of these and own you. Kind of a nice unit to have if you don't like mass ballista wars. Will it be used every game probably not, but hey it is an alternative to siege towers(who got nerfed) to kill someone who masses ballista.

Moorish Infantry- In the alpha they are not overpowered at all me and Omega did some tests and they get raped by armies. Persians nearly 2 shot them. Bronze and Longswords own them very hard. Citizens even do work on them... In liga they actually may prove to be an alternative to persians in Dark which too me wouldn't be a bad thing, but in my opinion persians will still be superior. The only thing I could think of that would be overpowered is a JITM+META rush or, a 4 RAXX+META rush. You need about a 2.5 to 1 advantage on someone to kill them with Moorish if they are swords. A good player gets what 12 swords at 2:20? there is no way I promise you someone can get 24-30 Moorish at 2:20 let alone all of them in your base.

Samurai- I didn't get to test, but they are the same concept of an Elite Guard from indy being applied into Middle, and from just a look I don't see them being effective at all. They get owned by everything except shock. I don't really think they will stop a rush any better than making swords.

Pathfinding 17 points I'm kind of torn on. I don't think any well played Expansionism player will get beat in PRE 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4,wing,pocket whatever. That was before the patch and after, but it could change with Expansionism being 30 and pathfinding still 17, but even then I think the pathfinding player would need luck on the map generator and to just overall outplay the Expansionism player pretty bad to win. Middle SH I don't think Pathfinding being 17 hurts anything because you give up a sword upgrade for it, but even with it at 17 you can't retain that sword upgrade.

Now as for the Patch in general. Me I use to be like WTF changes, but after looking at them an testing them. There not overpowered at all if anything they are vanity. The thing that I think hurts EE is making people install extra things. I know it is easy to do, but not everyone is computer literate, and after probably installing a boot leg EE off a torrent I imagine the last thing they want to do is install something else. I think the changes are not needed, but the ones presented in this patch are not going to change Empire Earth for better or worse. I like Omega I think he is a great guy and a good thing for EE as an admin and programmer, but you guys are really making a big deal out of nothing game mechanics wise. People don't like and usually don't appreciate change which probably makes less and less people play, so for that reason I would like the game to stay vanilla, so we retain more people, but for game mechanics yeah it messed up the previous patch (1.1c), but I don't think 1.1d will really mess up anything game play wise.
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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by thor »

A patch is supposed to fix problems with an initial release, AKA making it harder to glitch would be suitable for a patch. It is obvious those defending the road these patches have taken, have no idea what this means.

Save-EE is creating alternate-EE-realities in these patches.

Adding samurais to mid to make it easier for noobs to defend rushes? Are you kidding me? Let's also add a PANIC button for noobs to click, that sends paratroopers for help. In fact why dont we make the entire game more noob friendly, that way some of the staff can have an easier time winning a game or two.
Last edited by thor on Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Hello0 »

ben55 wrote:Moorish Calvary- They were overpowered in 1.1c now they are gimp catas with really there only niche being hey you got 10 ca and 20 ballista let me make like 10 of these and own you. Kind of a nice unit to have if you don't like mass ballista wars. Will it be used every game probably not, but hey it is an alternative to siege towers(who got nerfed) to kill someone who masses ballista.
they werent ._.
they just sucked. they had high hp and low atk ._. u couldnt cit rape with them, u couldnt rly destroy sw with them altough 20 hit armour. u just could kill sw slowely

and pikes rly kill them ._.
they are just good for defending in my opinion
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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by d-dog »

wow! on the old lobby and in the forums at sierra... people were constantly asking for something new for EE. did we get it? NO!
what we got was EEII and after that miserable failure we got EEIII. what we wanted was updates to EE and AOC, like another expansion.
now, finally, we have someone who listened and is actually upgrading this old and very out of date(but still great) game. i personally was against the 1st patches until i got all the information, and tried the game with the changes and i came around to the way i think now, which is that we are getting what we've been asking for all along...something new to the basic game. now i don't have ALL the information yet on these new patches, and i will be studying them, but tweeking this game into something more than the same old thing
seems to me to be, as previously stated, getting what we asked for!!! if more units changes the strategy of play then great, it won't bother me to get away from the same old thing all the time. i love this game. oh and btw, if you catch a cheater...turn em in.
No you retard, we wanted the graphics improved, and the gameplay to stay the same, quit speaking for all of us.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by d-dog »

samarai are just a defensive weapon against a fast slut rush, an experienced player wont make these units, its just something to help the noobs survive early
moors are only good for an initial rush, against any type of army they die

ive played quite a few mid games testing the patch and the changes arent game altering, within 2 min your back to regular playing style due to the weakness of the units in a mass war

the patch been out for couple hours so i know you havent tested shit, you just see changes and cry, ive probably got around 50 test games in, half of those with human players

and before you say " well not with a mid player "
no shit you guys dont want to help with anything
WoW sex, do you not even see the point were trying to make, WE DON'T WANT CHANGES TO THE GAME, WE NEVER DID, WE NEVER WILL, WE DIDN'T WANT SAVE-EE TO INVENT A NEW GAME, WE JUST WANTED TO PLAY, THATS IT, I WANT THE ORIGINAL GAME, it was fine how it was, it survived since 2001, its been played for 9 years now, I think we can manage without any game changes. I dont care about if we tested it or not. According to your philosophy, I can go take one of mozart's violin concertos, slap some beats on it, and rap over it, and still consider it good music.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Moo »

d-dog wrote:
d-dog wrote:
quit speaking for all of us.
Irony, Well Go Ahead and Pay 250 for a Server and place administrators and all Omega only needs a Simple "I Do not Like the Pacth I think you should Remove it But Thank you for your work" For Him to Consider Removing this pacth. But hes not gonna do it if you Demand him to do it hes worked hard on these Pacthes.

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Re: Some Comments on the Patch (And alteration of EE in general)

Post by Hello0 »

nobody doubts that i guess ._.
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