Korean Gren Defence New 1.7 version

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Korean Gren Defence New 1.7 version

Post by Arntzen »

Newest version:
Korean Gren Defence 1.7 By Arntzen.ees
(98.3 KiB) Downloaded 227 times
Change made in 1.7 compared to 1.6 is instead of being awarded an Engineer once you reach WW1, you will instead after you reach WW1 receive 538 stone per minute 40 times. Reason: I discovered the Engineer is very inconsistent on different computers/setups. On some it gives over 500 stone per minute and on others it give less than 300. I did the math to figure out how much stone I was getting on the computer I got the most stone and figured out that 538 stone per minute will give the same amount of stone IF you have 6 citizen on stone instead of 5 citizens 1 engineer. So this version should be more fair and if you were among the lucky to have the Engineer working well on your computer you should experience no difference.
PURPLE will still get Engineer as before if you would rather play with Engi.
Korean Gren Defence 1.6 By Arntzen.ees
(98.09 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
Should have less lag when other player has died (or playing single player). At 1.15 a enemy building spawns and player need to kill this building to win. You can no longer just stall and get victory without actually killing the enemy units.

I decided to make my own gren defence, like the one Jamaladin made. This one being a lot harder.

Goal: Your goal is to defend against lots of enemy troops that come from the north. To do so you have to create Arquebus. The waves gets tougher and tougher and you will need to age up and improve your troops all the way up to Guardians. WW1 you will receive an Engineer that can build pillboxes or mine stone and gold.

Current version is 1.6
The scenario can now be played by two players at the same time. CYAN and PURPLE. It's for the most part identical to the older version except Library of Alexandria now works as a Coliseum.

As of now there are five game modes you can chose between. In all game modes you get the exact same enemy waves, but depending on which mode you chose the scenario can get easier or harder. You can chose what mode to play by clicking on flags right above your Capitol. If you do not click on any flags before f11 2 you'll be playing the original mode.

In the original mode, let's call it the "Korean" mode you start with Tournament - Low resources, one Capitol and 5 citizens. Pretty straight forward.
The VERY EASY mode gives you +100 Pop Cap, Ishtar, Temple of Zeus and Library (Library works as Coliseum), 500 more food and iron, 2 towers in front of your base and a hospital.
The EASY mode gives you +100 Pop Cap, Ishtar, Temple of Zeus and Library (Library works as Coliseum), 2 towers in front of your base and a hospital.
The MEDIUM mode gives you +50 Pop Cap, Ishtar and a hospital.
The GOSU mode gives you nothing, and is played just like you would play the original mode. The exception here is that if you lose 1 unit while playing GOSU mode, the game is over. How far can you get?

I'm fairly confident in saying that this is the hardest scenario in EE. I've spent a long time trying to get all the rounds harder and harder, and it got ridiculously difficult by the end. I'm not even sure if it's beatable.
Korean Gren Defence 1.5 By Arntzen.ees
(96.18 KiB) Downloaded 1010 times
Download this file and paste it inside the Saved Games folder where you're EE is installed. Open it in Single player

You think you got what it takes? Are you korean enough? XD
Post picture of how many kills you got :D

Made couple of changes: All observers will now be able to see whats going on.

VIDEO of me playing it:

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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by lightnessking. »

Hmmmm korean grenwars sounds so familiar.... hmmm

10/10 would play.

-edit- everything is beatable. In most cases there are some nice bugs you can abuse.
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Arntzen »

Yeah it's probably beatable with insane game play. I wonder how far anyone can get :D
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Arntzen »

I made a video of me playing it, check it out! :D
Obviously I played it far from perfect, but you should get the idea of the scen from the vid.
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

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Added 1.1 version.
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by lightnessking. »

What changed in 1.1?
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Arntzen »

Basically what was said in patch notes 1.2, except that i had the command to chose which difficulty by chat command, which ment that the observers could chose what difficulty the player gets, which was not intended :D
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Arntzen »

Medium is beatable :D
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Minato »

Interesting :D
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Arntzen »

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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Bogdan_xD »

you are legit a god of micro-managing
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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by miketwenty1 »

How can we play scenes in NeoEE lobby?

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Re: Korean Gren Defence

Post by Thanøs »

welcome miketwenty1

you can load scens by drexmod 2.0 -> https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... rexmod+2.0
scens you can download here: https://goo.gl/Qoihbo

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Re: Korean Gren Defence New 1.6 version

Post by Arntzen »

Added 1.6 version and as written at the top of the original topic:
Should have less lag when other player has died (or playing single player). At 1.15 a enemy building spawns and player need to kill this building to win. You can no longer just stall and get victory without actually killing the enemy units.
Download link is the at the top.
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Re: Korean Gren Defence New 1.7 version

Post by Arntzen »

New version 1.7 available at the top of the original post.
Change made in 1.7 compared to 1.6 is instead of being awarded an Engineer once you reach WW1, you will instead after you reach WW1 receive 538 stone per minute 40 times. Reason: I discovered the Engineer is very inconsistent on different computers/setups. On some it gives over 500 stone per minute and on others it give less than 300. I did the math to figure out how much stone I was getting on the computer I got the most stone and figured out that 538 stone per minute will give the same amount of stone IF you have 6 citizen on stone instead of 5 citizens 1 engineer. So this version should be more fair and if you were among the lucky to have the Engineer working well on your computer you should experience no difference. PURPLE will still get Engineer as before if you would rather play with Engi.
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