Cannot Load Saved Games

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Cannot Load Saved Games

Post by bfunk99 »

Is there a fix or a work around for not able to load saved games for AOC? Everything else is good, but I noticed when I try to load saved games using multiplayer NeoEE, it seems not to load. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks!

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Re: Cannot Load Saved Games

Post by Bogdan_xD »

port foward, then you will be able


at target IP adress, it's the local IP adress that you see in-game, in-lobby at the Options tab, at Local IP.

Once you port foward, you will be able to load games.

Just as a notice, you can only port foward if you are using IPV4 from your ISP.On IPV6, this is no longer available.
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Re: Cannot Load Saved Games

Post by bfunk99 »

Bogdan_xD wrote:port foward, then you will be able


at target IP adress, it's the local IP adress that you see in-game, in-lobby at the Options tab, at Local IP.

Once you port foward, you will be able to load games.

Just as a notice, you can only port foward if you are using IPV4 from your ISP.On IPV6, this is no longer available.
Got it thanks again!

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Re: Cannot Load Saved Games

Post by bfunk99 »

Bogdan_xD wrote:port foward, then you will be able


at target IP adress, it's the local IP adress that you see in-game, in-lobby at the Options tab, at Local IP.

Once you port foward, you will be able to load games.

Just as a notice, you can only port foward if you are using IPV4 from your ISP.On IPV6, this is no longer available.
Thanks Bogdan_xD, that worked with forwarding the ports on my router!


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