Saved scenario space age out of order

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Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by JonSmith31415 »

in one scenario file that what ever age i start in ie prehistoric/stone/modern the button for the space age is showing. after i click it the correct next age shows up and the game is unaffected after words at least in the early ages. any help would be greatfull. would rather not redo the map because it took a very long time to do. thanks.

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Re: Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by lightnessking. »

uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so far i remember this isn't possible. could you send the .scn file to

there might still be a way tho.
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Re: Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by lightnessking. »

Ok the 'epoching' system has been fixed however there are a few concerns.

Because you haven't used a template but went straight into scenario editor. (or you used a space-age template.) the following things do not work properly unless you fix them with triggers. (which is more work than remaking the whole map itself.)

you cannot upgrade economic bonusses, hero bonusses, tower upgrades etc until space age.
I'm not sure if this goes for the capitol only but possibilities are that;

barracks units cannot upgrade until space age.
hospitals cannot upgrade their tech until space age.
temples, universities, basically anything with upgrades might struggle until space age.

You can fix it with triggers. (if you open the .scn file and go to the trigger button which should be near the units button in the left bottom corner of your screen.)
You should be able to see which triggers i've put in which basically are;

If player 1 is prehistoric; effect: allow stone epoch technology.
if player 1 is stone; effect: allow copper epoch technology. etc etc etc.

I think it's possible to add a few effects like 'if player 1 is stone age; effect: allow the stone mining upgrade.
BUT, this has to be done for every epoch correctly. which will cost a lot of time.

Also another question, what is the point of this map? :P to reach an iron mine you'd have to cut through 100 trees all containing 500 wood? your scenario name 'battle of TIME' really applies here haha.

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Re: Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by JonSmith31415 »

wow thanks man, like i said when i sent it, it was a simple attack map to start it just got out of hand, one last thing, do you know what might have caused this?

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Re: Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by lightnessking. »

yes "Because you haven't used a template but went straight into scenario editor. (or you used a space-age template.) the following things do not work properly unless you fix them with triggers. (which is more work than remaking the whole map itself.)"

Basically to prevent this from happening:

Click on singleplayer

Use the settings you prefer (unless you want to create a multiplayer scenario.)
Start the game and save it.
Then go to c:\sierra\empire earth the art of conquest\saved games

copy the saved game to your scenario folder and change the extension from .ees to .scn (this way you can load it in scen editor.)

If you want a multiplayer scenario then you would have to make am ultiplayer template meaning; open up a multiplayer game, have players join your game with the names you desire (very important since you cannot change their -usernames- (you can change their DISPLAY names)) and then save it.

From this point you can delete players, but you can't add them back. (delete as in: defeat them by using triggers and re-saving the scenario.)

Important note: be 100% sure about the epochs you're using.
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Saved scenario space age out of order

Post by Richardfoste »

The upgrade to F57 Quantum has removed all my saved passwords.

Has anyone any idea if I can recover them and if so from where please?


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