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Multiplayer Lobby

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:17 am
by cheesestringer
Was wondering if anyone has/knows of a way to skip the online multiplayer when it comes up, so that when you click multiplayer it takes you straight to the 'other multiplayer section'.

Also to ghost, i was wondering what/how many cfg's you modified to remove the tile effect, banner bars etc.


Re: Multiplayer Lobby

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:11 pm
by Ghost
I don't think you can make it skip directly to that screen because the entry point (when you're on the main menu and you click Multiplayer) is hard-coded to show the login screen, and I don't think that can be changed.

As for my lobby mods, I know I've made quite a few changes. They're only in a few files though:


main_menu_compliation.jpg and MainBackgroundTile.jpg are the same image for me, at 1024x768. bkg_german.jpg is the same image as MainBackgroundTile.jpg but it is cropped slightly so that it seemlessly sits on top of the tiled background.

Source code for my RootScreen.cfg and LanScreen.cfg:

Code: Select all

SetResource: RootScreen

RectangleComponent3D GameLogoFrame
	Up: false
	Thickness: 1
	SetVisible: false

ImageTextButton GameLogo
	NormalImage: @GameLogo
	DefaultCursor: Predefined, Hand
	BrowseLocation: @TitleHomeURL

Component TopFrame // for calulation only
	SizeAtLeast: 0,parent.GameLogo.height + 4
	SizeAtLeast: 0, + 4

ImageTextButton SierraLogo
	NormalImage: @SierraLogo
	DefaultCursor: Predefined, Hand
	BrowseLocation: ""

RectangleComponent3D LowerBannerFrame
	Up: false
	Thickness: 1

CrossPromotionButton LowerBanner
	DefaultCursor: Predefined, Hand
	DefaultImage: @DefaultBanner
	DefaultBrowse: @DefaultBannerURL

WONButton BackButton
	Text: @Logout
	TextColor: $PlayNowColor$
	SetDesiredWidth: 0
	SizeAtLeast: 90,40
	ControlId: @ID_Logout

MSSeperator LowerDivider
	Height: 10

NewLayoutPoint: LowerLayoutPoint

Layout: BackButton, SameRight SameTop, this, -388, 2
//Layout: GameLogo, SameRight SameTop, this, -5, 4
//Layout: GameLogoFrame, SameLeft SameTop SameSize, GameLogo, -1,-1,2,2

//Layout: LowerBannerFrame, SameSize, LowerBanner, 0,0,2,2
//Layout: LowerBannerFrame, SameBottom, this, 0, -4
HorzCenterLayout: this
//, LowerBannerFrame
//Layout: LowerBanner, SameLeft SameTop, LowerBannerFrame, 1,1

//Layout: LowerDivider, Above, LowerBannerFrame
//Layout: LowerDivider, SameWidth, this
//Layout: SierraLogo, SameLeft, this, 11

//VertCenterLayout: LowerBannerFrame, SierraLogo
//VertCenterLayout: LowerBannerFrame

Layout: TabCtrl, SameLeft GrowToRight, this, 4,0,-4
//Modify: TabCtrl, Top, parent.TopFrame.Bottom - + 2
Layout: TabCtrl, GrowToTop, LowerLayoutPoint

Add: TabCtrl, BackButton
//Add: GameLogoFrame, GameLogo
//Add: LowerDivider, SierraLogo, LowerBannerFrame, LowerBanner

Code: Select all

ImageComponent Back 
	Image: @TiledBackground
	Tile: true

Layout: Back,SameSize,this
Add: Back

Container LanTab
	IncludeFile: MainLanTab.cfg

GameStagingCtrl GameTab
	IncludeFile: GameStagingCtrl.cfg

DirectConnectCtrl DirectConnectTab
	IncludeFile: DirectConnectCtrl.cfg

LanOptionsCtrl OptionsTab
	IncludeFile: LanOptions.cfg
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.CrossPromotionCheck,CrossPromotionCheck
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.LobbySoundEffectsCheck,LobbySoundEffectsCheck
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.ChatSoundEffectsCheck,ChatSoundEffectsCheck
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.StagingSoundEffectsCheck,StagingSoundEffectsCheck
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.LobbyMusicCheck,LobbyMusicCheck
MapComponent: OptionsTab.CommonOptionsFrame.CommonOptions.ShowConfirmationsCheck,ShowConfirmationsCheck

GameBrowserCtrl HelpTab
	IncludeFile: GameBrowserCtrl.cfg
	HomeLocation: "help/HelpRoot.html"

WONTabCtrl TabCtrl
	//TabBarOverlap: 1
	//TabOverlap: 5
	//TabVertOffset: 8
	//TabHorzOffset: 2

	GroupDefine TabButtonDef
		SizeAtLeast: 90,40
		Transparent: true

	WONTabButton t1 { Text: @Lan; IncludeGroup: TabButtonDef; Font: @MediumFont }
	WONTabButton t2 { Wrap: true; Text: @DirectConnect; IncludeGroup: TabButtonDef; Font: @MediumFont }
	WONTabButton t3 { Text: @Game; IncludeGroup: TabButtonDef; Font: @MediumFont }
	WONTabButton t4 { Text: @Options; IncludeGroup: TabButtonDef; Font: @MediumFont }
	WONTabButton t5 { Text: @Help; IncludeGroup: TabButtonDef; Font: @MediumFont }

	AddTab: t1,parent.LanTab
	AddTab: t2,parent.DirectConnectTab
	AddTab: t3,parent.GameTab
	AddTab: t4,parent.OptionsTab
	AddTab: t5,parent.HelpTab

IncludeFile: RootScreen.cfg

Re: Multiplayer Lobby

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:39 pm
by cheesestringer
thanks for the code ghost. ive been messing around with it a little, trying to get background the same first though, it likes to move off the side for some reason, is this what you were talking about in regards to cropping the image?

Re: Multiplayer Lobby

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:54 pm
by Ghost
Yeah that's what I meant. The one on the inside is smaller and needs to be a cropped portion of the outside image, and the crop has to be offset so that it lines up properly.

Just use a 1024x768 image on the outside, then crop it to the size of 1015x724 for the inside. The offset from the right will be 3 or 4 pixels and the offset from the top will depend on how big the top bar is (where the tabs are)

Re: Multiplayer Lobby

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:29 pm
by cheesestringer
Bit of a late reply but thanks for all your help ghost :)