A who is in my game feature. + Auto Whisper them.

If you have any unique feature requests, post them here! There is already a large to-do list and things will take time to be implemented.
I am no longer taking feature requests due to the limited amount of time I can devote to programming the lobby.
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A who is in my game feature. + Auto Whisper them.

Post by Neotje »

Since u guys run the lobby you know every player's ip-lobby name. Isn't it possible using say netstat to combine these two?

Like this:
I'm hosting a game, so the other ppl are directly connected to me. So these are connected to my computer to the EE-AOC.exe or to EE.exe. So like that i could know all the ip's of ppl connected to me. Now by combining this information with the lobby's database maybe you could make a program wich tells whoever is in your game?

Added the "Auto Whisper them".

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Re: A who is in my game feature. + Auto Whisper them.

Post by Neotje »

Ok I added a 2th thing to it:
It happens very often then you are hosting something and you have 6 players but 1 of them is Idling. There are 2 ways to solve this: wait/kick and wait for another.
Now combining my first idea with this one i came up with this one:
A function that lets you whisper all the players that are in your game, this way u can alert them of the game that is starting.
I assume whispers are send p2p without a server (maybe not but since u can't see them etc) so it wouldn't be very much of a server load.
Allso this would eliminate loads of spam when ppl shout out that they are hosting and ppl should X in.

Can't u guys limit the amount of ppl u can whisper to too?


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