Basic Strategy for Nano

For specific strategies that relate only to ligasettings.
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Basic Strategy for Nano

Post by Omega »

Source: RobinHood
"This strat is fairly simple. In team games the wing will go Spain and make infantry while the pocket goes Great Britain and makes air. The wing will want to check the person he is facing's civilization.

Because if the the opposite wing is not Spain he could very well be making tanks and you will need to rush with your first infantry so to cut either his food or his iron off and in some cases both.

The pocket also will want to make a F/B first and then make a couple fighters so to cover his wing from getting air raided. Also as pocket, it can be a good idea to make a couple AA near your Airport sometime within the first 10f11 so that the other pocket is not able to pin you down with his fighters. "

Source: pelle
"You could also use rebells as civs, start with inf and then switch to tanks"

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