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Re: Middle DM 4 vs 4 Wing

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:15 am
by Zeus
you want me to name the strats? its not always about counters. For instance i could beat you if you went long bow cata and i went cav arch pers cata. or cav sword. And then theres Xbow with few long bows pers cata. And then Knight sword rush. Cav Pers rush. I could go old and go Long bow xbow sword. In actuality the only time a good dmer in no r/s went micro was because of either 2v2 pop, or they were pocket in 3v3. there was no need because the other strats are so much faster and if you were good you knew how to beat your counter with army control.

Re: Middle DM 4 vs 4 Wing

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:09 pm
by P-51
Elite wrote:lol zeus what exactly counters cata/archers in no r/s? The only other combos I ever saw the few times I played DM was massed ranged cav (CA/pers.) or knight massing. And both of those combos get countered by mass lb.
You sir, are an extreme n33b.

Re: Middle DM 4 vs 4 Wing

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:04 pm
by Elite
P-51 I would slay you at whatever sett you desired to play, up to and including newbish 20 cit no reli/siege mid dm. Nobody good still plays, well, ever played that setting, so its hard for me to judge what works and what doesn't. Fundamentally DM still comes down to basic army control, and an allsetts player is gonna be better at that than anyone who only plays DM. DM is pretty much just ctrl walking with the occasional click on the hero.

Re: Middle DM 4 vs 4 Wing

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:44 pm
by P-51
I'll admit you could probably beat me in more than setts than I could beat you. But there ain't no way in Malcolm X's ghetto crib that you could beat me in mid dm.