P2s AoC Sh 2vs2 tourney

Important information about the tournament, including rules, and any announcements.
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P2s AoC Sh 2vs2 tourney

Post by Manni »

P2s AoC Sh 2vs2

Teams:Manni & Elmer
Elf & Nasa
F.T.A_Pope Of Dope! & his ego
be nice & laney

Round 1: 1st Nov-10th Nov
Elmer & Manni vs Nasa & Elf :thumbsupl:
be nice & -laney- :thumbsupl: vs Manni & Elmer

1. You always play with the same teammate that you choose yourself. In Round 1 you can change your teammate but your games with the old teammate don`t count then anymore.
2. If you loose a game you aren`t out of the tourney cause every team gets an end rank.
3. If a game doesn`t take place, both teams loose the game.
4. The looser team tells in forum the game result. If this isn`t happening, the winner team posts (a) screenshot(s) that shows the winner. If not, the game is lost for both.
5. It`s the job of the host to make auto saves etc. If you think the enemy crashed the game, cheated etc. tell me it. This won`t have consequences but if it happens more often that different people complain about the player, I ban him.
6. Teams/ Players who don`t give a shit in playing their games are banned for future tournies for a while.
7. Unknown players / Smurfs are not accepted.
8. How to sign up: Both teammates tell me that they are in as a team. This also can happen sometime after you already have played a game.

Round 1: 3 games against any other team that wants to participate in the tourney. Your enemy has to change each game. You have 1.5 weeks.
If you have 2 or 3 Victories you are in the winner brackets, otherwise in the looser bracket.
Round 2: 1-3 games: You are told your enemies (within your bracket). If the team number is not so high, you play against all of the teams in your bracket, if it is high, your enemies are determined randomly by me (I throw the dice or something).
You have 1.5 weeks.
Find a time like that if you need this order: Your team has 0.5 weeks to tell your enemies the timepans when your team probably can be here. In the following week you have to play the game.
After the 2nd round, you might have changed the bracket (there are 3 brackets now).
Round 3: 1- 3 games: This round is for determining the exact end ranks. You are told your enemies and have to play against them within 1 week.

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Re: P2s AoC Sh 2vs2 tourney

Post by Oldspice »

this is retarded

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