Ode to a beloved player

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Ode to a beloved player

Post by Oldspice »

Summertime is here, and ee isn't dead
he plays like a boss when he isn't giving head
You thought you were pro, but you aren't safe
for when he's not wearing a dress and sucking dick, he is known as simple faith.

Lurking in the shadows, chins like rolling hills
he knows how to micro and rake in the kills
He is overweight and autistic, but a master of the setts
It's not women he claims, but wins in League he gets.

He's fat and asian, but an internet knight
Hair greasier than mcdonalds, and skin of pale white.
no matter where he goes, he is followed by putrid stink.
And because he's a faggot, he only picks pink.

He shits in a bucket and is fed by his mum.
He is looked down on, but only by some (mainly only those who make him swallow their cum).

But he is a hero, and a good friend to me,
Even tho he hates me for owning him in pre.
I kicked him from my game coz he was being a fag.
He dropped fucking early and pretended to lag.

Any strat is ok, and towers are legit.
(except for omega's modded preists, I can't take that shit)
It's time to accept that you fucking suck,
and I'm not talking about all that dick you choke on so much.

Faith, I beg you, please stop being gay.
I kicked you for being annoying, what can I say?
You deserved to be booted, and you ruin almost every game.
And this autistic grudge bullshit is fucking lame

-kill yourself

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