Not sure if any of you know/remember me

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Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by CA_Immortal »

Hello, im an old school player that went by ca_immortal and kos_opa, surprised to see game still somewhat alive. I wonder if any of my old clan mates/friend still play

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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by Arntzen »

Hey man and welcome back! What settings did u play?
A Good Place to Start: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3884
Click to download: eC Civilization

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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by CA_Immortal »

I was a dmer any age, but towards the end of my run I got into rm ran-nano

[-Ts-] Tricky
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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by [-Ts-] Tricky »

I used to play dm back then mostly mid dm I was fbc_NoName played with force field and black knight and a lot of others
-NeW-: ey idiot
-NeW-: triki
-NeW-: no
-NeW-: stupid
-NeW-: u are syndrom down
-NeW-: and retardet
simple_faith Assassin was pretty great
Kazter:Assassin was shit.

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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by Nero33 »

Dude! This is really late I know. I remember both of you guys. I was FBC_NeRo , Strike_ArtOfWar, and other smurfs names I cant remember right now. I always wondered what happened to that group of DMers from that time..forcefield, Redbull, twistedbum. Probably still the best gaming days I've ever had. Are you guys actively playing?

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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by Teopiltzen »

Hey man! I just found out this game is still alive too.

I played as Teopiltzen back in the day. What settings did you main?

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Re: Not sure if any of you know/remember me

Post by Teopiltzen »

ah Nero I was a dmer actually. also sh but my true love was dm.

my fave was indy

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