Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by jackson »

After a year of absence...


Recently purchased an ASUS Intel Core i5 with an HDD of 1 friggin Terrabyte. :D

There's only one catch--it's Windows 8.

And it isn't as friendly as the previous versions of Windows were.

However, the oddest thing is, I can play the older Red Alert games on it but the newer ones (like Generals) takes a while to load if it loads at all. And changing compatibility mode doesn't seem to work so I may need to visit EA's forums to b**** and moan. :twisted:

But I digress...

Recently, I have gone on one huge binge downloading classic old games that I enjoy playing (thank God for Dosbox) and recently decided to download Empire Earth. Yes, your worst fears are confirmed; there appears to be a problem with downloading the installer from Google and apparently Google Drive loops over and over again and never seems to actually send you the file to download. Could be that the problem is with the programmer of Google Drive and as a result, there is an unintentional loop function that keeps getting executed. But why is the looping happening? :| :?:

Apparently, some of us can download the installer and others can't.

Which leads to theory 2 which is that the problem isn't with the Google Drive code. The problem could be with the computer trying to get the installer. On my computer, I happened to notice that not one Java installation has occurred. I also happen to discover that some of my drivers are at least two years old. I also noticed that the Bluetooth menu and icon is nowhere to be found (even though my computer can detect my tv). To make it short, some stuff is missing. And because certain things are missing (or not available), when you try to download certain things from certain places, the site you're using quickly scans your computer to determine whether or not not you have certain things.

If you don''re screwed, whether with an error message or a loop that occurs because the programmer assumes that everybody has the latest files and makes the program scan for that BEFORE giving access to a file or document.
I know it sounds crazy but there really is a big effort on the part of some to ensure that people who don't have the latest stuff get screwed and don't get the things they need or want. :D :tongue:

[rant]Lol; it's like putting your information on a cloud; when you want to access it, you get a message saying that you have to give a little more information about yourself before you can have access to the cloud. Sorry for the long post and the rant; it's just that this has been on my mind for a while now and now after purchasing Windows 8, I've been seeing some things that really have me worrying a bit about the future of the Windows OS.

I feel that in the same way they tried to take away DOS, they will take away the ability for people to locally access their accounts via username and password. Y'all remember what happened with DOS, right? Windows 3.1 came out; yeah, it was primarily DOS but from DOS's command line, you could switch to windows and easily re-access DOS. Then Windows 95 arrived; if memory serves, it defaulted to DOS mode but still could switch from Windows mode to the other via DOS's command line. Then came Windows 98; it automatically reverted to the GUI and this time, you had to select the "Restart in MS-DOS mode" prompt in order to load in DOS. Then, there was command line prompt and when the computer rebooted, you could only access DOS MODE by pushing F5 or something. Now it's Windows 8--and DOS MODE IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!.

Say it isn't so, but it seems that Microsoft is going in that direction--whether we like it or not.[/rant]
Command & Conquer started going down hill after they went to 3D

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Games started going down hill after they started using graphics.



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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by jackson »

Will try using another browser though just in case :)

* Update *

I managed to install Mozilla Firefox and am happy to report that it has downloaded the file with ease. The problem was I was using Internet Explorer to try to download the file. :lol: There may be some way to make IE download the file but I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure it out. Still not sure what to do about installing Java on my computer but despite that, am happy that I finally downloaded the installer for EE. :D
Command & Conquer started going down hill after they went to 3D

Matous Vales:
Games started going down hill after they started using graphics.



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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by Pirlo »

Can you reupload the German version? The link doesn't work.

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by asgard777 »

I installed this :
EE Complete - Automatic Installer: English, GER, ESP, IT, FR

It does not work , maybe it's the fault of wimdows xp ?

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by P-51 »

No it should work on XP.

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by Lance94 »

Could you reupload the german version, please? Would be perfect for my weekend. Thank you @[-Ts-] Tricky :D

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by Locodoco »

You can see German EE listed in the following link :
pody: eC .. is etc for what ?
_[eC]_Arntzen_: european cunts
pody: ahh .. ok bro
_[eC]_Arntzen_: np
_[eC]_Arntzen_: :)

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Re: Google EE unlimited English & German Versions

Post by SrSaga* »

link new pliz

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