Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

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Best EE'er of all time?

Twisted Bum
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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by _DavE_ »

Good luck defending an f11 10 push with mass swords, level 10 + 4 STS with Arrow Armour upgrades then without a fortress. Even by the slim chance you do survive it, you will have lost a lot of mining time/units and will just get worn down with wave after wave of pressure.

At the end of the day, you don't play this game anymore, you haven't been on the seen for years, which is absolutely fine. The truth is you would have to see the new standard for yourself to acknowledge it. It's pointless debating it tbh.

If you read what I said, I already said I wasn't the best in 06. But come I think early 08, there was a thread on MPA Forums where I was rated the best Mid SH player 60%-40% in my favour vs Calv, by the active Mid SH players at the time. Everyone's list had me and Calv as number 1 and 2, just different orders.

The point is, the so called oldschool experts would simply have to adapt to new meta and styles, some would probably become quite competitive again, others wouldn't.

KrasS is the best player I've seen in 14 years of my time on this game. The fact that he played sc2 professionally tells you all you need to know. A game that makes the speed of EE look pretty average...

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by Arntzen »

seizmic wrote:You wrote a lot but not much is relevant or poignant to what I'm saying, so I don't really have much else to say.

Your hypothesis about advancement and improvement based on real life sports is completely out of whack though and I've explained why, you've yet to address it.
What we're saying is relevant. We claim the standard has risen.
You said you'd argue "A guy who dominates a setting with fifty experts is better than one who dominates the same with eight". If the bar has risen those fifty may not be considered experts anymore.
To put it bluntly if you have 300 noobs to play your competition is worse than if you have one expert to play.
We also pointed out how all old experts who return, except for a few exceptions, can't keep up. If these players played at a higher level in the past than what we do today, shouldn't we except them to at least be able to compete?
On top of this we've had a lot more time to train. In 2006 the game was 5 years old, many of us have played more than twice that long.

Also Dave is not saying nobody made a fortress before. He's saying if you don't make one in CA vs SW today, you die. He is also talking about EEC while I'm sure you're thinking of AOC with expansionism civ.
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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by SlipKnoT »

Yes you guys are the best players at a time when almost nobody plays the game. Basically this era doesn't matter. EE is boring and been dead for many years. This topic needs to be closed as you can't determine the best ever because there are far too many eras.

Regarding returning players. Yes they will always suck when they havent played in years consistently vs people who play it every day lol. You can't compare

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by dan »

Love it, EE lives!
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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by contra_ »

4. tommyyeong52
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1. t}Krimson Huckleberry Finn

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by gla_jo »

seizmic wrote:
_DavE_ wrote:If we're strictly taking all settings into account, then there's only like 3-4 players that need to be considered tbh.

If we're breaking it down into specific settings then there's many more.

But, going off ALL settings, then the list is very simple.


I genuinely don't believe anyone else even deserves to be mentioned (ALL settings, Pre, Liga, Mid, Grens, Indy TL, Mod SH/DM/TL) etc
You listed a guy who never even played in the original EE lobby.

Also, I beat lion_ 4-2 in liga in my first six games at it, he was helping me "learn" the setting, he was better than me at Mod TL which he won 3-1, gren wars? That's fucking scenario level settings. I did play it around thirty times on EEC and won most of my 1v1s by simply rushing my first grens out as fast as possible to the enemies mines, that was enough to beat 90% of the players who played it for years.

Crushed lion in Indy as well, he really didn't know how to micro with Cav very well.

So from your list alone, one of the four players you mentioned I ended up beating more than losing over a wide range of settings.

Also, Witchking, don't forget who made you. "Mini seizmic" - Krass, Assys - 2007.

Here's the real list:

Force Field

Honourable mentions:

ras_ he genuinely took the time to help me learn liga on EEC and was a Jack of all trades, good at everything but never the best.

Pyro_ any setting from the epoch Mid and below, he was a powerhouse.

Buttfreek - first guy to humiliate lion @ mid sh. Great mod player too, underrated.

Special mention for Witchkings list:

Calv lolol

Jesus christ mate, can't believe I'm finally getting mod recognition after over a decade.

As a mid player I think my main weakness was micro skills. Other than that I would rate myself an honorable mention, just as you did. I would say I was an honorable mention for mod too but never got much credit in that community. In both settings there were players solidly a tier above me, but in my best moments I could have gone up against anyone.

icestorm would have claimed that the players of old (the generation direction before me) was generally just better than our generation.

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by Icestorm2 »

[quote=gla_jo]icestorm would have claimed that the players of old (the generation direction before me) was generally just better than our generation.[/quote]
I think this was true for 2004 and but the gap had been closed by 2005/2006, at least among the top players. In 2003 the big difference would've been the amount of experts available for a game in peak times, you could have enough for two 4v4s and then some. Although it was usually 8 people in a 4v4, and 10-15 people (not all of them necessarily equal in standing) anxiously waiting to see if a slot would open up before starting a new game.

At this point I can't say I really recall how games in 2003 felt, somehow the distance between 2003 and 2004 feels longer than the 16 years that has passed since. You guys were definitely among the best mid players I saw though.

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by seizmic »

_DavE_ wrote: KrasS is the best player I've seen in 14 years of my time on this game. The fact that he played sc2 professionally tells you all you need to know. A game that makes the speed of EE look pretty average...
Oh man, I just saw this, lolol.

You realise i played League of Legends semi professionally in 2010-2012?

Played with people like SK Wickd, Severus etc beat Fnatic xPeke mid lane Anivia vs Ryze when he was considered the best AP Mid Lane in the world at the time (Fnatic won the £1,000,000 tournament that year, in fact) and a lot of other players I duo queued with are earning seven figures a year now, playing Leagues still.

Don't even try and claim sc2 has a higher skill threshold either, getting to the top 0.5% in a game that had 12 million active players shits all over anything Krass did on that trash game.

I'm not giving your straw man arguments the light of day if you're wondering why I'm not addressing them.

Just lolling @ you idolising a German faggit over his success on a relatively unknown RTS that isn't even noticed on the world level of pro gaming.

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by Bogdan_xD »

Comparing a MOBA to a RTS...great points there bruh.

That's like me comparing be a 0.001% in top of World of Tanks to the 0.001% of CS:GO .That's not how it fking works.

Also, SC2 requires a far higher skill threshold than any curent MOBA and RTSs in general.
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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by seizmic »

Bogdan_xD wrote:Comparing a MOBA to a RTS...great points there bruh.

That's like me comparing be a 0.001% in top of World of Tanks to the 0.001% of CS:GO .That's not how it fking works.

Also, SC2 requires a far higher skill threshold than any curent MOBA and RTSs in general.
Yeah, that's why LoL players earn millions and has the biggest pro competitive scene in the world , over any other game, period.

Definitely more difficult to become the best at Starcraft 2, fucking lol @ the delusion displayed in this down syndrome European scene.

I used to say I'd prefer the Nazis won WW2 but after experiencing the depths of European faggotry, I prefer the wild Africans and ethnics.

Also, LoL is more like AoC than sc2 is. Rune builds, skill trees, summoned spells and item builds are more in line with Custom Civ theory crafting than the faggotry of sc2.

Also, if sc2 did indeed have a higher skill threshold, why isn't Krass playing Leagues and earning millions on there, instead of playing for $1000 prize pools, which I used to win weekly in go4lol on Leagues.

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by Bogdan_xD »

biggest pro competitive? ever saw CS Majors or Dota TI ?
not gonna say League isn't big, it is, but definetly not the biggest, and definetly not the biggest in cash rewards.

And i also keep what i said about SC2 requiring far more skill than LoL. lol

Saying that you would have prefered Nazis to win WW2, already tells me that this should be the last response to your reply.

Have no idea how you compare a moba to a RTS, but ok buddy.

You ever taught, that maybe, just maybe, Krass is not a guy in his 20s?.That maybe, he no longer has the time to be a Pro in another game?.Or, and hear me on this, that maybe he doesn't care about other kind of games but RTS ?

Oh wow, you won some $$$ in go4lol ...gj pro guy, i did too in go4wot ...should i start my CS:GO career?, i mean, i won some really good $$, so i should qualify, right?

To sum it up, don't compare a game like LoL, which is always a team-based game, to a game like SC2 or EE .Most of the SC2 competitve scene was about 1 v 1, not 5 v 5.In League you can be a retard with 10 IQ and 2 broken arms, you can still get carried by your team-mates. In SC2, gl buddy.
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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by seizmic »

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by seizmic »

Bogdan_xD wrote:biggest pro competitive? ever saw CS Majors or Dota TI ?
not gonna say League isn't big, it is, but definetly not the biggest, and definetly not the biggest in cash rewards.
You realise I said 2010-12, right? IIRC LoL was the highest paying pro game in terms of prize pools for events in that period. In 2018 it was still the 4th highest grossing game. Starcraft 2 isn't even in the top 10.
And i also keep what i said about SC2 requiring far more skill than LoL. lol
At least when I disagreed I gave actual arguments and reasoning to support my view, this is literally "NO U"
Saying that you would have prefered Nazis to win WW2, already tells me that this should be the last response to your reply.
Re read what I wrote. That was before I met Eurotards like you, Dave, Katzer etc.
Have no idea how you compare a moba to a RTS, but ok buddy.
Mobas are based on RTS for a start and I explained the similarity with EE in terms of custom civs = custom rune page, summoner spell, skill tree and item build theory crafting.
You ever taught, that maybe, just maybe, Krass is not a guy in his 20s?.That maybe, he no longer has the time to be a Pro in another game?.Or, and hear me on this, that maybe he doesn't care about other kind of games but RTS ?
You ever thought that...being a sc2 player doesn't somehow make you the god of EE and all RTS games? You ever thought that if your assertion about sc2 requiring more skill level than LoL being true it would make logical sense for Krass to have played that game professionally for better pay?

If Krass is a pro gamer then it's a job not a hobby anymore and his like or dislike of games is seceded by his ability to win huge amounts of money.
Oh wow, you won some $$$ in go4lol ...gj pro guy, i did too in go4wot ...should i start my CS:GO career?, i mean, i won some really good $$, so i should qualify, right?
You're telling me how MOBA isn't comparable to RTS (which it is, as I've explained twice now) and here you are comparing an ancient FPS to it.

How much money did you win? Who did you play with? Why are you streaming f11 60 island games on twitch on a game that has a playerbase of 10 if you could be winning money every week on a substantially more active game?

To sum it up, don't compare a game like LoL, which is always a team-based game, to a game like SC2 or EE .Most of the SC2 competitve scene was about 1 v 1, not 5 v 5.In League you can be a retard with 10 IQ and 2 broken arms, you can still get carried by your team-mates. In SC2, gl buddy.
Play bad in one pro game of LoL and you're on thin ice, play bad in a second and you're replaced.

So that crock of shit falls flat on its face.

Gl faggot.

P.S you're a pussy.

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by ConD CD »

Holy shit.. captain nemo.. twistedbum.. this brings me back. We used to all go under aliases like "mr. Yellow" or the cereal killers "captain crunch".

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Re: Best EE Player Of All Time!?!

Post by Ghost »

Hilarious this is still going. Love seeing the endless banter here, over shit that happened ages ago.
_DavE_ wrote:If we're strictly taking all settings into account, then there's only like 3-4 players that need to be considered tbh.

If we're breaking it down into specific settings then there's many more.

But, going off ALL settings, then the list is very simple.


I genuinely don't believe anyone else even deserves to be mentioned (ALL settings, Pre, Liga, Mid, Grens, Indy TL, Mod SH/DM/TL) etc
My 2 cents... skill in all settings is a big factor in my eyes. But, the list isn't that simple.

I hardly consider any of these people "all setts" players, except maybe Goldeneye. The rest played some of the other popular setts maybe occasionally, but not at a high level. I can't say I saw any of them play Pre, and I played a lot of Pre. Later on maybe we dragged Arntzen into some random ass setts...

Pick any one sett, other than liga -- can you name one that all of those players played regularly? Most of the time they were "pause for civ" players. Let's look at Mid SH. Outside of Lion, who played it regularly? Did any of them make a name for themselves in it? I don't recall any of them wrecking people with rams or Tower of Babylon priest armies when their opponents least expected it.

And, perhaps you simplified, but there are a lot of setts other than the listed ones. I also find it absurd that you put "Grens" instead of Indy SH. I've played probably every age in TL, SH, and DM, teams, FFA, diplo, plains, continental, small islands, large islands, tourney islands, whatever map, and even trainer-enabled games, and custom scenarios... multiple times, and did so on a regular basis with people not on that list. Some setts have strategies that are wildly different from the popular setts, and playing them with the best all-setts players result in some truly fun and competitive games. I don't have any fond memories playing various settings with any of those players really.
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