Most Over-Rated Player EVER

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by lightnessking. »

The main 3 lightnessking haters are on this topic, when is jossos going to quote your joke pelie??

I love tricky and pelie so much too
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by dan »

Yeah tricky I agree with the Dave thing he was the best Mid Sword player I seen.. As for Krass being over rated what is that all about? He is one of the best liga players EE has seen. The guy was a genius seriously his last few Liga matches on EE when he was at his peak he would probably loose once for every 10 games he played
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Wizo »

assys wrote:
Both these comments are bullshit lol why do you even comment on something you know so less about? This whole debate is fucking worthless and that's exactly the reason why I kept myself out of this but to clear things up there has never been a thing like the BIG 4 lmao. Kirac played whenever he wanted to play which means that he sometimes came on for a few weeks before suddenly disappearing for months. This is not meant to be offensive towards kirac since that was just a kind of his altitude.

Just like in any clan you would ask clan members you would trust most if you want to let someone join your clan. Thats what nevermind did...he asked the most trustable members when he thought someone new could join the clan just like in any other mature organisation lol. Oh and nobody had more or less power. We were all more or less good friends and liked to play with eachother.

Also krass was a member just like me dave goldi nevermind. He did not have more power and doesn't have now lol and he isn't even interested in something like that.

You keep interpreting things which simply are not true and far away from being realistic.
Thanks assys. I feared, that this bullshit was true.
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Captain Nemo »

As for kazter, ye man no1 was giving you a second glance, AoH didn't know you, none of us did (AoH and AK were leading mid clans at that time) long did you say you've been on eec again quite a few years if I remember correctly, nemo didn't pick you up, I'm sure 5 years later he may of realized you were decent. I let you join because i saw potential but if I had known you were going to turn into an ass i would've just ignored you.
I knew who kazter was before he became expert. Not exactly a friend then but I knew who he was in his MW days. Mainly because he was friendly, made sense, and was humble.

Oh yeah Im a krass fanboy lol!
Also if your talking about mid your missing out Ws clan who same level as ec clan at mid on eec
Interresting new topic trix :)
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Arntzen »

herik wrote: As for kazter, ye man no1 was giving you a second glance, AoH didn't know you, none of us did (AoH and AK were leading mid clans at that time) long did you say you've been on eec again quite a few years if I remember correctly, nemo didn't pick you up, I'm sure 5 years later he may of realized you were decent. I let you join because i saw potential but if I had known you were going to turn into an ass i would've just ignored you.
Again with the insults, I told you long ago they don't help your case at all. Now, let me give you my side of this story so you can understand how I remember it.
I joined Ak when you and Madara expanded the clan like crazy, I believe the week I joined you recruited 10-15 members. At that time we weren't considered one of the "leading mid clans" at all. Back then it was all about AoH, Istari and Ownage DJ and occasionally eC/Ts players popped in to our games. Ask Elite/Kurt/Himmy/Lacrimosa about what they think about Ak and I'm sure they'll never say anything near "leading mid clan".
It's true you showed me how you did your sword start, It's also true you told me what to do to improve, but at that time everyone did. I was so eager to get better I asked everyone, I read every topic on save-ee forum and spammed people I heard was expert in middle (even sent a ton of pm's to Omega even tho he didn't play). After some time I started participating in the discussions, not to show what I was good for, but to see if people agreed with my opinions and/if I was doing something wrong. When I got better I even made my own sword topic in the "build order" section. If I was gonna give someone credit for teaching me swords it would be MW (particularly h0llygh0st). IF I was gonna write down a list of people who has given me answers on how to play swords it would be a very long list. So for you to take credit on my swords is hilarious. For you to take credit of who I am as a player today is delusional.
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Ghost »

I thought this topic was supposed to be about Krass
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Icestorm2 »

Samuel wrote:
herik wrote:And as for this clan issue you have, eC's been dead for years, I never told you this, but many ex-eC members (who quit, not got kicked out) have told me, the only REAL clan members are the "big 4", nVm, Kirac, golden, krass. The rest are mealy pawns and players who fill up the lobby space with the clan tag. I would actually like to know do you even speak/play with any of these 4. Do you have to say hi first or do they openly greet you. Oh and not too long ago an eC member(Still eC) told me, that you new eC members would be kicked out straight away if the big 4 returned. Himmy, dave, assys and buddah, zero, myst and sam are probably the only members that can comfortably say, that they played and know all 4.
nd i don't say this to insult, I'm just trying to open your eyes, and I'm sorry to the eC members that I do respect and am friends with on this game, but it's simply the truth. Just remember I'm not coming up with some lie. More then one player has told me the exact thing, (on different cds).
Let me explain to you, EXACTLY, how effectively eC works in terms of decision making.
We can't even say eC has got a leader ... it's merely a game of influence, the player with the biggest influence will come to lead, and I'll soon prove you with some examples.
Let's state away that theoretically, the "original" leaders should be Nevermind and Goldeneye, however it would be too simple to say it like this.

When I wanted dan/LynX to join eC, I told Krass I wanted him in, then he went to tell Justin, and Justin's response was negative. However, after insisting for a while, by making little "threats" as well (he quit eC tag and joined Symbols tag) Nevermind eventually had to give up and allow Lynx in eC (and afterwards he even talked to him etc).

You could argue something like "ye but as you see, that involves 2 of those big 4s", and that's what it seems according to that example, but let's go on. The point of that example was just to show that there's not really anything official.

[as for Kirac, I don't think he's ever decided anything .... he's just too clownish and even though he has a lot of respect, it would just be stupid to give him any decision making]

What I'm trying to say, if we look at it in the effective way, KRASS is the actual leader of eC ..... because in the end he could influence Justin as much as he wanted.
Justin can kick someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "no, he's not kicked, take him back in", Justin just mindlessly takes him back in.
Just can refuse to recruit someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "recruit him", Justin just mindlessly recruits him.

Perhaps he wouldn't be just as influential as he is on Justin on Goldeneye , but he'd still be able to influence him enough to make him (Krass) the actual leader. In the end, with the only exception of Goldeneye and Nevermind (obviously, as they were the original leaders (and that would be the same in every other clan), if a player wanted to be influential in eC .... it would work him better for him to be friends with Krass than being friends with Goldeneye/Nevermind (different to other clans, where normally being friends with the leader would give you more influence).

And as for today, I can tell you that if Nevermind and Goldeneye were back, and there was a doubt between keeping/kicking a player, and Justin wanted to kick him, and I wanted to keep him .... he would just stay in the clan? Why? I'm more influential to Krass than Justin is, and I could even tell Justin to go fuck himself because we are keeping the player (just making an example), and 1_ I wouldn't be kicked, 2_ The player would stay in eC.

Just to make a stupid example:

Justin: that player needs to be kicked, i'll kick him
Krass: I dont know what I think of it
Samuel: that player needs to stay ... (talks to Krass about the reasons why that player needs to stay).

Krass, who hypothetically has never seen that player (just hypothetical scenario) will believe my reasons' more than Justin's.

Krass: yeah perhaps we should keep him.
Justin: why? I mean after all bla bla (says his reasons).
Samuel: Justin, fucking idiot how can you not fucking see that it would be better to keep him?
Justin: don't fucking insult me, in fact, I'll kick him as well as you now ...

(entirely possible, I almost never ever spoke to Justin, besides 3 or 4 times)

Krass (private talk with Justin): Justin man, I think Samuel bla bla bla bla he didn't mean it bla bla bla.
Justin:"ye but he insulted me so he's kicked."
Krass: (says the reasons why it's stupid to kick me)
Justin:"ye ok won't kick him, but I'll kick the other member."
Krass:"give him a probationary first? lets see what he does in one week"
Krass:"imo it would be better because bla bla bla"
Justin:"ye I see, let's do that".

Nevermind ..... lol, ironically enough, he's perhaps the shittiest leader I've ever seen lolol
Then that's how it would end, Nevermind, happily thinking he's the Big L who's just taken the decisions, though in the end we'd still keep the player lol
Could you talk him into pulling out right before climax?

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by simple_faith »

Icestorm2 wrote:
Samuel wrote:
herik wrote:And as for this clan issue you have, eC's been dead for years, I never told you this, but many ex-eC members (who quit, not got kicked out) have told me, the only REAL clan members are the "big 4", nVm, Kirac, golden, krass. The rest are mealy pawns and players who fill up the lobby space with the clan tag. I would actually like to know do you even speak/play with any of these 4. Do you have to say hi first or do they openly greet you. Oh and not too long ago an eC member(Still eC) told me, that you new eC members would be kicked out straight away if the big 4 returned. Himmy, dave, assys and buddah, zero, myst and sam are probably the only members that can comfortably say, that they played and know all 4.
nd i don't say this to insult, I'm just trying to open your eyes, and I'm sorry to the eC members that I do respect and am friends with on this game, but it's simply the truth. Just remember I'm not coming up with some lie. More then one player has told me the exact thing, (on different cds).
Let me explain to you, EXACTLY, how effectively eC works in terms of decision making.
We can't even say eC has got a leader ... it's merely a game of influence, the player with the biggest influence will come to lead, and I'll soon prove you with some examples.
Let's state away that theoretically, the "original" leaders should be Nevermind and Goldeneye, however it would be too simple to say it like this.

When I wanted dan/LynX to join eC, I told Krass I wanted him in, then he went to tell Justin, and Justin's response was negative. However, after insisting for a while, by making little "threats" as well (he quit eC tag and joined Symbols tag) Nevermind eventually had to give up and allow Lynx in eC (and afterwards he even talked to him etc).

You could argue something like "ye but as you see, that involves 2 of those big 4s", and that's what it seems according to that example, but let's go on. The point of that example was just to show that there's not really anything official.

[as for Kirac, I don't think he's ever decided anything .... he's just too clownish and even though he has a lot of respect, it would just be stupid to give him any decision making]

What I'm trying to say, if we look at it in the effective way, KRASS is the actual leader of eC ..... because in the end he could influence Justin as much as he wanted.
Justin can kick someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "no, he's not kicked, take him back in", Justin just mindlessly takes him back in.
Just can refuse to recruit someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "recruit him", Justin just mindlessly recruits him.

Perhaps he wouldn't be just as influential as he is on Justin on Goldeneye , but he'd still be able to influence him enough to make him (Krass) the actual leader. In the end, with the only exception of Goldeneye and Nevermind (obviously, as they were the original leaders (and that would be the same in every other clan), if a player wanted to be influential in eC .... it would work him better for him to be friends with Krass than being friends with Goldeneye/Nevermind (different to other clans, where normally being friends with the leader would give you more influence).

And as for today, I can tell you that if Nevermind and Goldeneye were back, and there was a doubt between keeping/kicking a player, and Justin wanted to kick him, and I wanted to keep him .... he would just stay in the clan? Why? I'm more influential to Krass than Justin is, and I could even tell Justin to go fuck himself because we are keeping the player (just making an example), and 1_ I wouldn't be kicked, 2_ The player would stay in eC.

Just to make a stupid example:

Justin: that player needs to be kicked, i'll kick him
Krass: I dont know what I think of it
Samuel: that player needs to stay ... (talks to Krass about the reasons why that player needs to stay).

Krass, who hypothetically has never seen that player (just hypothetical scenario) will believe my reasons' more than Justin's.

Krass: yeah perhaps we should keep him.
Justin: why? I mean after all bla bla (says his reasons).
Samuel: Justin, fucking idiot how can you not fucking see that it would be better to keep him?
Justin: don't fucking insult me, in fact, I'll kick him as well as you now ...

(entirely possible, I almost never ever spoke to Justin, besides 3 or 4 times)

Krass (private talk with Justin): Justin man, I think Samuel bla bla bla bla he didn't mean it bla bla bla.
Justin:"ye but he insulted me so he's kicked."
Krass: (says the reasons why it's stupid to kick me)
Justin:"ye ok won't kick him, but I'll kick the other member."
Krass:"give him a probationary first? lets see what he does in one week"
Krass:"imo it would be better because bla bla bla"
Justin:"ye I see, let's do that".

Nevermind ..... lol, ironically enough, he's perhaps the shittiest leader I've ever seen lolol
Then that's how it would end, Nevermind, happily thinking he's the Big L who's just taken the decisions, though in the end we'd still keep the player lol
Could you talk him into pulling out right before climax?

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by CusTomm_ »

Okay well I dont think a player has to be in the top 10 to be overrated.

1) Wolvy
2) Deathlord
3) Lightnessking

I disagree with Krass, since he was basically good at any set while many of your "best players" aint good at many sets.

EDIT: No sure if Slipknot is overrated as well, since he was pretty shit in Sh. I am not sure if other playes considered him as a good Sh player.
Last edited by CusTomm_ on Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by SlipKnoT »

Adventure_ wrote:Okay well I dont think a player has to be in the top 10 to be overrated.

1) Wolvy
2) Deathlord
3) Lightnessking

I disagree with Krass, since he was basically good at any set while many of your "best players" aint good at many sets.

EDIT: No sure if Slipknot is overrated as well, since he was pretty shit in Sh. I am not sure if other playes considered him as a good Sh player, I just know that he considered himself as quite amazing.
What a funny topic to read until this post?? who might you be? Someone i used to have fun telling how amazing i was?

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by taco »

is it too late to chalk up herik for being the most over rated player? :thumbsupr:

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by CusTomm_ »

Edited... Forget the last sentence, got nothing to do in this topic ;)

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Texas Ranger »

As a reply to one of the earlier points of this thread, I'd like to say, as someone who's played dozens and dozens of 1v1s against Krass in mid sh, that his sword rush was harder to stop than his CA. At least for me personally. Neither of my rushes were at Krass's level and I didn't attempt that versus him, so this is from a perspective of me using exp-only civs:

Using swords against his sword rush I remember to be pretty even. Using swords against either his ca rush or ca boom gave me an edge in winning. Using ca vs his swords was nearly impossible to win for me. Using ca vs his ca rush was nearly impossible for him to win, and ca vs. his ca boom was close to equal, but I'd give myself an edge there too.

As for him being overrated, I don't think so. From what I hear he plays all other setts at an equal or greater level than mid, and judging from his mid skill that's truly incredible.
Last edited by Texas Ranger on Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by taco »

Texas Ranger wrote:As a reply to one of the earlier points of this thread, I'd like to say, as someone who's played dozens and dozens of 1v1s against Krass in mid sh, that his sword rush was harder to stop than his CA. At least for me personally. Neither of my rushes were at Krass's level and I didn't attempt that versus him, so this is from a perspective of me using exp-only civs:

Using swords against his sword rush I remember to be pretty even. Using swords against either his ca rush or ca boom gave me an edge in winning. Using ca vs his swords was nearly impossible to win for me. Using ca vs his ca rush was nearly impossible for him to win, and ca vs. his ca rush was close to equal, but I'd give myself an edge there too.

As for him being overrated, I don't think so. From what I hear he plays all other setts at an equal or greater level than mid, and judging from his mid skill that's truly incredible.
tex your ability to defend vs ca was way stronger then against sword knights etc, i think its because of ur unique turtle style boom making it harder for the ca to do that early game damage to manipulate the game. I however found myself having alot more trouble against his ca then his swords. the sword mass till 8f11 or so doesnt work most times against a really good ca player. they will slow ur massing right down and wear what units u have down. i believe nemo asked if it wasnt around back then. it was and the pros who played ca in 1v1s knew how to do it well. alot better then I could thats for sure.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by eeralf_ »

i have a idea
the most overated is self, cuz all mean itself is best, hahaha, so all overrated, basta and ready


damn, i hope any understand it, its bad german language

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