Most Over-Rated Player EVER

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by herik »

Captain Nemo wrote:What a load of crap. Pope was shit until the new lobby came, and now he owns. Kazter same thing I guess. You had plenty of chances to become good, blame it on nothing but your lack of skill. You got lucky one game vs krass and talk big words now. well hallefuckingluja. Last time I played u was in a 3v4 game, I was left alone to fight u and it was a fucking walkover. And my swordrush is not from the top shelf. Krass is definitely better also at swords. And everything else.
umm Kazter became known and good because of me, he had a decent sword rush until i made him to practice and let him play with us. Which therefore led him to do clan wars ect. As for him getting better, I had left for about 9 months of 2011, to play LoL. He went to AvE and played agianst many rushes on gr I believe, me? Well i continued to hold strong to aoc. Another thing he played many 1v1 in lobby and gr, as he said he did many 1v1 agaisnt lavanger.

If i hadn't let him in clan AK, he would still be Kazter with a decent rush not knowing any of the big names. Got lucky? Arn't all games based on luck when it comes to rush vs rush. If your an expert you shouldn't be losing because of luck. I hadn't bought omegas lucky socks with holes in them at that time.
Captain Nemo wrote:Tell u what. Reason people don't like your way of debating these topics is because u don't have the status for it. Thats why ben45 is on u. You talk like you're a pro player who has played for many years and one of the old guys. You're not. People don't like someone inferior (skillwise, and basic status in the community) to themselves judging them. I didn't like it when u said I had seemed to improve over the last years. Fuck my mid game has been the same since 2006 pretty much. You're quick enough to judge krass based on 2 games (which credibility is very questionable). I know alot of players who improve ALOT faster than you.
That may be true, but they also don't reading the truth. Many peoples debates are put as half truths. As for you getting better in swords, maybe you had a bad night when i vsed you in eec, but from what i saw you were not that great at that time.
Captain Nemo wrote:btw there are plenty of mid games on GR... PLENTY, and they'd be fine challenge for u.
Your right the 1 vs 3 can be quite challenging at times.
Captain Nemo wrote:I have nothing against u really herik, but I don't like it when people overrate themselves by THAT much. Some reality check needed

I never said i was his equal in game, i said I could match his rush as I wrote, it was cit for cit, sword for sword, there was no advantage until the decision was made. Does this not signify the better rush? Who can get to other persons base the fastest and kill the most cits?
And I too have nothing against you.

As for that screen shot, many gr players have ghosted me, and if it was me, look how stacked the teams were... from what i can tell i was 1vs 2 atleast.
And for last time me and abso 1v1 on gr it was a 40-50 fll long game and I ended up winning. (was quite an epic game whole map filled wish i had screen shot).

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Lavanger »

sry herik agree with the fish , gr has some decent players

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by simple_faith »


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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by lightnessking. »

herik wrote:

Captain Nemo wrote:btw there are plenty of mid games on GR... PLENTY, and they'd be fine challenge for u.
Your right the 1 vs 3 can be quite challenging at times.

You see herik, there's a difference picking 3 random named players, and playing 3 RC/whatever clan you want. The fact is, gameranger isn't like it was 3 years ago, you can't simply go 1v3 and easily win (against people known in the gameranger community ofcourse.)

So please, just stick to 1v1, drop the rather shitty debates on the save-ee forum and go fuck yourself lol.
You cannot make another post so soon after your last.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by herik »

I downloaded it yest, and I literally did do 1v3, people are still learning how to make a tower. So ye, and i played on gr a year and a half ago, not 3...

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by [-Ts-] Tricky »

true ec has gone downhill no offense too lightnessking but ec is elite clan and to put you as ec dont seem right i know kirac wolvy and older members of ec would say the same. But looks like you just using it too look good status like buddha did recruited 1st day then quit lol ;)

But in my eyes ec is no longer any new recruits is just too make the numbers look better for ec what should never happen tbh i mean kazter trys too improve every day and has improved alot lightnessking got in because he got friends with sam what is a shame too the clan.

Now bring on the bitchy comments HuHu
-NeW-: ey idiot
-NeW-: triki
-NeW-: no
-NeW-: stupid
-NeW-: u are syndrom down
-NeW-: and retardet
simple_faith Assassin was pretty great
Kazter:Assassin was shit.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Samuel »

herik wrote:And as for this clan issue you have, eC's been dead for years, I never told you this, but many ex-eC members (who quit, not got kicked out) have told me, the only REAL clan members are the "big 4", nVm, Kirac, golden, krass. The rest are mealy pawns and players who fill up the lobby space with the clan tag. I would actually like to know do you even speak/play with any of these 4. Do you have to say hi first or do they openly greet you. Oh and not too long ago an eC member(Still eC) told me, that you new eC members would be kicked out straight away if the big 4 returned. Himmy, dave, assys and buddah, zero, myst and sam are probably the only members that can comfortably say, that they played and know all 4.
nd i don't say this to insult, I'm just trying to open your eyes, and I'm sorry to the eC members that I do respect and am friends with on this game, but it's simply the truth. Just remember I'm not coming up with some lie. More then one player has told me the exact thing, (on different cds).
Let me explain to you, EXACTLY, how effectively eC works in terms of decision making.
We can't even say eC has got a leader ... it's merely a game of influence, the player with the biggest influence will come to lead, and I'll soon prove you with some examples.
Let's state away that theoretically, the "original" leaders should be Nevermind and Goldeneye, however it would be too simple to say it like this.

When I wanted dan/LynX to join eC, I told Krass I wanted him in, then he went to tell Justin, and Justin's response was negative. However, after insisting for a while, by making little "threats" as well (he quit eC tag and joined Symbols tag) Nevermind eventually had to give up and allow Lynx in eC (and afterwards he even talked to him etc).

You could argue something like "ye but as you see, that involves 2 of those big 4s", and that's what it seems according to that example, but let's go on. The point of that example was just to show that there's not really anything official.

[as for Kirac, I don't think he's ever decided anything .... he's just too clownish and even though he has a lot of respect, it would just be stupid to give him any decision making]

What I'm trying to say, if we look at it in the effective way, KRASS is the actual leader of eC ..... because in the end he could influence Justin as much as he wanted.
Justin can kick someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "no, he's not kicked, take him back in", Justin just mindlessly takes him back in.
Just can refuse to recruit someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "recruit him", Justin just mindlessly recruits him.

Perhaps he wouldn't be just as influential as he is on Justin on Goldeneye , but he'd still be able to influence him enough to make him (Krass) the actual leader. In the end, with the only exception of Goldeneye and Nevermind (obviously, as they were the original leaders (and that would be the same in every other clan), if a player wanted to be influential in eC .... it would work him better for him to be friends with Krass than being friends with Goldeneye/Nevermind (different to other clans, where normally being friends with the leader would give you more influence).

And as for today, I can tell you that if Nevermind and Goldeneye were back, and there was a doubt between keeping/kicking a player, and Justin wanted to kick him, and I wanted to keep him .... he would just stay in the clan? Why? I'm more influential to Krass than Justin is, and I could even tell Justin to go fuck himself because we are keeping the player (just making an example), and 1_ I wouldn't be kicked, 2_ The player would stay in eC.

Just to make a stupid example:

Justin: that player needs to be kicked, i'll kick him
Krass: I dont know what I think of it
Samuel: that player needs to stay ... (talks to Krass about the reasons why that player needs to stay).

Krass, who hypothetically has never seen that player (just hypothetical scenario) will believe my reasons' more than Justin's.

Krass: yeah perhaps we should keep him.
Justin: why? I mean after all bla bla (says his reasons).
Samuel: Justin, fucking idiot how can you not fucking see that it would be better to keep him?
Justin: don't fucking insult me, in fact, I'll kick him as well as you now ...

(entirely possible, I almost never ever spoke to Justin, besides 3 or 4 times)

Krass (private talk with Justin): Justin man, I think Samuel bla bla bla bla he didn't mean it bla bla bla.
Justin:"ye but he insulted me so he's kicked."
Krass: (says the reasons why it's stupid to kick me)
Justin:"ye ok won't kick him, but I'll kick the other member."
Krass:"give him a probationary first? lets see what he does in one week"
Krass:"imo it would be better because bla bla bla"
Justin:"ye I see, let's do that".

Nevermind ..... lol, ironically enough, he's perhaps the shittiest leader I've ever seen lolol
Then that's how it would end, Nevermind, happily thinking he's the Big L who's just taken the decisions, though in the end we'd still keep the player lol

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by tool »

holy shit who gives a fuck about the inner workings of ec

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by PeLlE »

tool wrote:holy shit who gives a fuck about the inner workings of ec
First post of yours I completely agree with lol. Apart from that you are making me laugh, thinking you could judge everyone based on sword rush and single games played over time. Me and Kaz might have our differences, but saying you made Kaz to what he is now isn't even worth commenting.
:thumbsupl: - you are getting better - I finally can at leats agree to a part of your post
dreamwalker: i already clearly stated for all the english people that i dont play here
eeralf: ======???????????
eeralf: dont undersstand say it in street language
dreamwalker: fam mans already said im not gwarning wid yo shit on dis ting

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Samuel »

tool wrote:holy shit who gives a fuck about the inner workings of ec, fuck this ---> edited to what he'd have liked to say
haha calm down you don't need to be so mad :P

I don't know, I can only make hypothesis. Perhaps everytime the name eC is mentioned, some inner force inside of you unleashes some strong emotion that pisses you off, perhaps an inferiority complex or some sort of hatred. I don't know man, can't even blame AoC you know, since you are the only member of the AoC community that presents this characteristic (whilst some of them may act quite tough, you are the only one that systematically hates on eC). You need to chill man, this lobby is about EE, it's about playing games and enjoying yourself :)
There's so many games, either on EEC or on AoC, just join some of them and relax lol ;)
PeLlE wrote:
tool wrote:holy shit who gives a fuck about the inner workings of ec
First post of yours I completely agree with lol. Apart from that you are making me laugh, thinking you could judge everyone based on sword rush and single games played over time. Me and Kaz might have our differences, but saying you made Kaz to what he is now isn't even worth commenting.
:thumbsupl: - you are getting better - I finally can at leats agree to a part of your post
These replies, Tool's and Pelie's, are exactly the reasons why I would talk about eC :D
The more you complain and seem pissed off, tool, the funnier it gets :)
Last edited by Samuel on Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:25 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Captain Nemo »

herik wrote:umm Kazter became known and good because of me, he had a decent sword rush until i made him to practice and let him play with us. Which therefore led him to do clan wars ect. As for him getting better, I had left for about 9 months of 2011, to play LoL. He went to AvE and played agianst many rushes on gr I believe, me? Well i continued to hold strong to aoc. Another thing he played many 1v1 in lobby and gr, as he said he did many 1v1 agaisnt lavanger.
So basically it was not due to lack of competition as u earlier said, but simply because u stuck around aoc? Thats new... Also, I thought u had long defended the great skills on aoc? Guess not now?
Got lucky? Arn't all games based on luck when it comes to rush vs rush. If your an expert you shouldn't be losing because of luck. I hadn't bought omegas lucky socks with holes in them at that time.
No it's not always luck. And aren't u like contradicting yourself from sentence to sentence? All rushes based on luck? Experts don't lose because of luck? Seriously what do u mean? IMO sometimes you're not bringing your best game, other times you're stuck with a bad map or something. Nevertheless 2 games is not enough basis to judge someone.
Your right the 1 vs 3 can be quite challenging at times.
You'd be surprised how many good players you could find on GR these days. Of course the noob community is still huge, but the known players have become good. And many of them better than you.
I never said i was his equal in game, i said I could match his rush as I wrote, it was cit for cit, sword for sword, there was no advantage until the decision was made. Does this not signify the better rush?
You're making the assumption that because you played 1-1 with him it means you'll always be 50-50 with him in swordrushes. It's not like that. Heck I've even taken krass down in cav vs cav, but you don't hear me blabbing about me being as good as krass with CA, cause 1 game simply cannot decide it.
As for that screen shot, many gr players have ghosted me, and if it was me, look how stacked the teams were... from what i can tell i was 1vs 2 atleast.
I haven't seen a single herik ghost. Infact nobody knows u on GR. I specifically remember this game, cause u were doing some stupid forward hunting and it was so easy to raid those cits. It was 3v4 I remember I didn't get any help. And it was a series of 3 games or so (not all 3v4) where I was against u same way each game and it was same picture. I know it was you, it's not hard to tell a ghost apart. Keep denying this it'll only discredit your claims against krass even more, cause if lie about one thing why not lie about it all. It's not to make a point than Im much better than you, it's to make the point that you're infact not very good. And you're cirtainly not as good as krass even with swords. Do I (or anyone else) have the same sword/cit timeline every game? no.

meh and that'll be my final post on that case.
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Captain Nemo »

Sam thats probably the biggest insult to nvm I've ever seen. This was a highly respected player in the EE community, and if I ever wanted some "business" of any sort with eC he was the front man of the clan no doubt. Now I don't know much about the inner workings of eC like u describe (there really was no need for that), but bear in mind that before you joined things might have worked differently especially since krass wasn't as good as the others back then. You can run eC today because of the name eC has. That name was not created by you, it was created by the original members, with nvm as leader. He (with the others) has achieved making the most solid expert clan in the history of EE and thats more than we can say for your career. That demands more respect than you're giving him now thats for sure.

When you no longer play you no longer care as much about your clan, and you cannot keep up the same power in the clan. Member are not loyal to a title, they're loyal to the guy they concider the leader or friend in their clan. Make no mistake, it's not krass who's eC leader atm it's you. You made the new recruits they'll concider you leader tho in the case of eC they might actually be more loyal to the name itself than any person in the clan. Thats how powerful the eC name is, established long ago.

As for some thinking eC is going downhill. Well it's not the same running a clan today as it once was, experts are not in plenty, you can't afford being picky if you want an active clan. So I wouldn't judge sam for recruiting lightness, it's a question whether you want the clan still represented or not. Some who aren't members of the clan might pick the not active options but that just wont do if you're an active member.
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by assys »

Samuel wrote:
herik wrote:And as for this clan issue you have, eC's been dead for years, I never told you this, but many ex-eC members (who quit, not got kicked out) have told me, the only REAL clan members are the "big 4", nVm, Kirac, golden, krass. The rest are mealy pawns and players who fill up the lobby space with the clan tag. I would actually like to know do you even speak/play with any of these 4. Do you have to say hi first or do they openly greet you. Oh and not too long ago an eC member(Still eC) told me, that you new eC members would be kicked out straight away if the big 4 returned. Himmy, dave, assys and buddah, zero, myst and sam are probably the only members that can comfortably say, that they played and know all 4.
nd i don't say this to insult, I'm just trying to open your eyes, and I'm sorry to the eC members that I do respect and am friends with on this game, but it's simply the truth. Just remember I'm not coming up with some lie. More then one player has told me the exact thing, (on different cds).
Let me explain to you, EXACTLY, how effectively eC works in terms of decision making.
We can't even say eC has got a leader ... it's merely a game of influence, the player with the biggest influence will come to lead, and I'll soon prove you with some examples.
Let's state away that theoretically, the "original" leaders should be Nevermind and Goldeneye, however it would be too simple to say it like this.

When I wanted dan/LynX to join eC, I told Krass I wanted him in, then he went to tell Justin, and Justin's response was negative. However, after insisting for a while, by making little "threats" as well (he quit eC tag and joined Symbols tag) Nevermind eventually had to give up and allow Lynx in eC (and afterwards he even talked to him etc).

You could argue something like "ye but as you see, that involves 2 of those big 4s", and that's what it seems according to that example, but let's go on. The point of that example was just to show that there's not really anything official.

[as for Kirac, I don't think he's ever decided anything .... he's just too clownish and even though he has a lot of respect, it would just be stupid to give him any decision making]

What I'm trying to say, if we look at it in the effective way, KRASS is the actual leader of eC ..... because in the end he could influence Justin as much as he wanted.
Justin can kick someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "no, he's not kicked, take him back in", Justin just mindlessly takes him back in.
Just can refuse to recruit someone, but if Krass goes to him and says "recruit him", Justin just mindlessly recruits him.

Perhaps he wouldn't be just as influential as he is on Justin on Goldeneye , but he'd still be able to influence him enough to make him (Krass) the actual leader. In the end, with the only exception of Goldeneye and Nevermind (obviously, as they were the original leaders (and that would be the same in every other clan), if a player wanted to be influential in eC .... it would work him better for him to be friends with Krass than being friends with Goldeneye/Nevermind (different to other clans, where normally being friends with the leader would give you more influence).

And as for today, I can tell you that if Nevermind and Goldeneye were back, and there was a doubt between keeping/kicking a player, and Justin wanted to kick him, and I wanted to keep him .... he would just stay in the clan? Why? I'm more influential to Krass than Justin is, and I could even tell Justin to go fuck himself because we are keeping the player (just making an example), and 1_ I wouldn't be kicked, 2_ The player would stay in eC.

Just to make a stupid example:

Justin: that player needs to be kicked, i'll kick him
Krass: I dont know what I think of it
Samuel: that player needs to stay ... (talks to Krass about the reasons why that player needs to stay).

Krass, who hypothetically has never seen that player (just hypothetical scenario) will believe my reasons' more than Justin's.

Krass: yeah perhaps we should keep him.
Justin: why? I mean after all bla bla (says his reasons).
Samuel: Justin, fucking idiot how can you not fucking see that it would be better to keep him?
Justin: don't fucking insult me, in fact, I'll kick him as well as you now ...

(entirely possible, I almost never ever spoke to Justin, besides 3 or 4 times)

Krass (private talk with Justin): Justin man, I think Samuel bla bla bla bla he didn't mean it bla bla bla.
Justin:"ye but he insulted me so he's kicked."
Krass: (says the reasons why it's stupid to kick me)
Justin:"ye ok won't kick him, but I'll kick the other member."
Krass:"give him a probationary first? lets see what he does in one week"
Krass:"imo it would be better because bla bla bla"
Justin:"ye I see, let's do that".

Nevermind ..... lol, ironically enough, he's perhaps the shittiest leader I've ever seen lolol
Then that's how it would end, Nevermind, happily thinking he's the Big L who's just taken the decisions, though in the end we'd still keep the player lol
Both these comments are bullshit lol why do you even comment on something you know so less about? This whole debate is fucking worthless and that's exactly the reason why I kept myself out of this but to clear things up there has never been a thing like the BIG 4 lmao. Kirac played whenever he wanted to play which means that he sometimes came on for a few weeks before suddenly disappearing for months. This is not meant to be offensive towards kirac since that was just a kind of his altitude.

Just like in any clan you would ask clan members you would trust most if you want to let someone join your clan. Thats what nevermind did...he asked the most trustable members when he thought someone new could join the clan just like in any other mature organisation lol. Oh and nobody had more or less power. We were all more or less good friends and liked to play with eachother.

Also krass was a member just like me dave goldi nevermind. He did not have more power and doesn't have now lol and he isn't even interested in something like that.

You keep interpreting things which simply are not true and far away from being realistic.
Last edited by assys on Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Arntzen »

herik wrote:umm Kazter became known and good because of me, he had a decent sword rush until i made him to practice and let him play with us. Which therefore led him to do clan wars ect. As for him getting better, I had left for about 9 months of 2011, to play LoL. He went to AvE and played agianst many rushes on gr I believe, me? Well i continued to hold strong to aoc. Another thing he played many 1v1 in lobby and gr, as he said he did many 1v1 agaisnt lavanger.

If i hadn't let him in clan AK, he would still be Kazter with a decent rush not knowing any of the big names.
Wow, really? You got a pretty twisted view on the world dude, and your saying all this crap because ben45 fired you up. GG NO RE, he wins.
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Re: Most Over-Rated Player EVER

Post by Samuel »

assys wrote:Both these comments are bullshit lol why do you even comment on something you know so less about? This whole debate is fucking worthless and that's exactly the reason why I kept myself out of this but to clear things up there has never been a thing like the BIG 4 lmao. Kirac played whenever he wanted to play which means that he sometimes came on for a few weeks before suddenly disappearing for months. This is not meant to be offensive towards kirac since that was just a kind of his altitude.

Just like in any clan you would ask clan members you would trust most if you want to let someone join your clan. Thats what nevermind did...he asked the most trustable members when he thought someone new could join the clan just like in any other mature organisation lol. Oh and nobody had more or less power. We were all more or less good friends and liked to play with eachother.

Also krass was a member just like me dave goldi nevermind. He did not have more power and doesn't have now lol and he isn't even interested in something like that.

You keep interpreting things which simply are not true and far away from being realistic.
Theoretically you are absolutely right.
And perhaps it was practically just as you said, when you still were playing.
Though since some time it was practically as I said, and Nevermind, Krass, Dave, Kirac were playing.

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