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Post by Arntzen »

Disclaimer: this is my wishlist for a fictional patch.

  • EE is now compatible with all operating systems from Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Higher resolution is now supported, giving the game much better graphics. On higher resolution than 1024x768, every model has been improved making everything look better.
  • Widescreen is now supported.
  • Inside settings menu we've added a new window called "Hotkeys" which allows you to manually edit all hotkeys in the game.
  • Replay function has been added which allows you to watch all games you've played.
  • Added Random Map script editor inside "Game Tools" which allows players to easily create their own random map scripts. These can be uploaded to the lobby for everyone to download, and it will also be automatically given to players when it's being used by the host.
  • New and improved AI has been added to the game. This one doesn't cheat.
Civilization Builder
  • When creating a civilization you can specify when you want it to actually show up in the saved civilization folder. For example when making a Middle SH long sword civilization you can make it only available when you're actually playing a Mid SH game. This is helpful for players who play multiple settings and have over 50 civilizations saved.
  • Option to add hotkeys for choosing already saved civilizations, allowing you to pick the civilization a lot faster. For example giving a sword civilization the hotkey 1, in game all you have to do is click the crown and press 1 and the sword civilization is loaded.

Scenario Editor
  • No longer need a template for multiplayer scenarios.
  • Fixed all known crashes in the scenario editor.
  • It's now possible to save and load specific triggers, making it a lot easier to copy specific triggers from one scenario to another.
  • All known cheats and bugs have been removed. *Note that group speed is not considered a bug.*
  • If a player leaves a game EE will automatically make an AutoSave (in case the remaining players wants to load it).
  • Players can now quickly send a tribute request to players on the same team. Anyone can accept this request by simply clicking on the tribute screen and it will be done automatically. You can make a request by typing the resource and the amount you want. For example you want iron type "Iron 100".
  • A player named KrasS has been nerfed.
  • Ladder system has been added to the game. This is a voluntarily options for players that wants to play ranked games. whether or not the game is ranked is decided by the host. *Note: ranked games are registered by CD-key, so smurfing is not possible.*
  • New windows (Tournaments, Clans and Players) has been added to the lobby interface. Tournaments window shows all things tournament, like on going tournaments, future turnaments you can sign up to and statistics from tournaments of the past. Inside the Clans window clan leaders can submit informantion about their clan and much more. Think old clan sites. Inside the Players window you can search up any player and find all kinds information about them. What information is public is up to the player (wins, losses, how many games played, what kind of games played, citizens made, units killed, gold gathered, and much more). This will for example allow hosts to figure out if it's a new or old player.
  • Added the ability to make and join chat rooms. They can be private or public. This can be handy for clan mates to keep in touch. Everything written in the chatrooms will be stored permanently so you can message players that are in the chat room, but currently offline.
  • The game automatically figures out which of the players in the game room is the best host, and gives it to him when the game starts. This means that "a bad host" can now make the room and decide settings. Also there is no longer a need to save and load with a new host if it's laggy, this will be fixed automatically. *Note: If one or more of the players has terrible connection to everyone in the game there will still be lag.*
  • Added the ability to quickly re-make the game with the same settings, but a new map. This can be useful in the beginning of a long team game and one of the players get completely screwed over, or if you just want a quick rematch without the need to go back into the lobby. To do this type in "/e RE" in the chat, if more than half players say this within 2 minutes of each other the game will be re-made.
  • Added more boxes that you can tick on and off (like reveal map). They are: Animal killing (if off players are not able to use military units to kill animals), Religion (if off players are not able to create Temples), Siege (if off players are not able to create Siege Factory).
  • Added F11 rule, which allows the host to decide if the game will have a peace period in the beginning of the game. This can at most be set to 360 F11. *Note: If playing F11 on an island game, enemy players will not be able to land on your island until the peace period is over.*
  • Added option to allow spectators. Spectators are different than observers. They will not join the game room, therefor they will not make the game lag for the players, they can watch four vs four, there is no limit to how many can spectate. They can start spectating in the middle of a game. *Note the host can also add a delay for the spectators to prevent spectators from helping players, by for example talking to the player over TeamSpeak or Discord.*
  • Allows hosts to pick map, resources and epoch "pools". For example adding Plains, Highlands, Continental and Mediterranean to a map pool, this will make the game pick at random which of those four maps will be chosen for the game. Same can be done with Resources and Epochs. There are many uses for this. One being if you're playing liga, but you hate a specific epoch, you can make an epoch pool of all the epochs you actually like.
  • Players can now swap position with other players in the game room by right clicking on the player you want to swap with and send a swap request, if he accepts the swap will take place. This also allows the host of the game room to play as pocket.
  • Added fun game options like: All players start with a civilization that has every civilization bonus, Units get stronger the more kills they get, ability to make unlimited amount of heroes.
Unit specific changes:
  • Animals
  • Will no longer fall into obsticles when killed that makes it impossible to gather the food from them.
  • Will no longer get hurt by a tower that missed it's original target.
  • Will no longer randomly run away from it's original spawn for no apparent reason.
  • Will be protected by temples from all calamities caused by prophets.
  • Will no longer wall themselves in when walling.
  • Will no longer randomly stop working at a resource (most common when cutting wood).
  • Will no longer kill an animal if another animal within ten spaces is already dead and ready for harvest.
  • Will no longer deposit resources to a settlement far away if there is another settlement closer.
  • Will no longer for no apparent reason walk miles around the woods and cut on the other side, I mean what the fuck?
  • Will no longer get stuck in the middle of a building under construction.
  • Will no longer stand in the way and sabotage at a construction site.
  • Will no longer shoot its own building right infront of if and hurt itself in the process.
  • Will no longer hit eagles flying above it and hurt itself in the process.
    Boats and submarines
  • Will no longer crash into each other and will be a lot easier to maneuver with. This will make sea fights a lot more enjoyable and fishboats less likely to become idle and/or stuck.
    Archer units
  • Will no longer continue to shoot up in the air if the target is no longer behind a wall or obstacle.
  • Controlling airplanes and putting them on a control group will still work after they have gone back inside the airport. It can also be done while the airplanes are inside of the airport.
  • If a new pathway recently opened (IE just broke hole in a wall) the units will no longer run around if you tell them to attack. They will take the shortest path.
  • Gates will no longer take damage from earthquakes while they are being protected by temples.
  • Units and buildings will no longer miss for no apparent reason. There was a problem where for example a tower will target something and constantly miss, this and other examples like it is now fixed.
  • When commanding a unit (IE a hero) to run back, it will actually do so. Not completely derp and run zigzag or something silly like that.
  • Somehow the random map script will always give eC Samuel the definitively best map. Every singel game, no exception. This has now been fixed.
Might add more to this in the future, just wrote it for fun.
A Good Place to Start: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=3884
Click to download: eC Civilization

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Post by Jodocus »


Most of the stuff on your list is desirable, but only parts can be done without the source code, much work or some dark sorcery I am not capable of.
  • EE is now compatible with all operating systems from Windows, Mac and Linux.
Some years ago, I actually could run EE on my Ubuntu via Wine. Yes, even the maps worked, with some minor graphical glitches, but nothing game-breaking.
  • Higher resolution is now supported, giving the game much better graphics. On higher resolution than 1024x768, every model has been improved making everything look better.
I never had any access to high-end graphic cards. Has EE an actual resolution-limit?
  • Widescreen is now supported.
I fear this is impossible with DirectX 7 standard. Would rather need a deep change in the game's Titan engine.
  • Inside settings menu we've added a new window called "Hotkeys" which allows you to manually edit all hotkeys in the game.
I have never researched where the hotkeys are stored in EE game data, i.e. some *.db files or the binary. Anyways, it could be difficult to make sync between players if each modified his db files or binaries... I think this also would need a deeper change in the source codes.
  • Replay function has been added which allows you to watch all games you've played.
drex/yukon is pretty close...
  • Added Random Map script editor inside "Game Tools" which allows players to easily create their own random map scripts. These can be uploaded to the lobby for everyone to download, and it will also be automatically given to players when it's being used by the host.
The editor thing: difficult, the random map script lobby transfer: could in principle be possible.
  • New and improved AI has been added to the game. This one doesn't cheat.
Impossible without code. And even with, this is quite a challenging task. I think it's one of the major reasons there is not much RTS around. Making an AI is very complex work, the payoff is just too small.
Civilization Builder
  • When creating a civilization you can specify when you want it to actually show up in the saved civilization folder. For example when making a Middle SH long sword civilization you can make it only available when you're actually playing a Mid SH game. This is helpful for players who play multiple settings and have over 50 civilizations saved.
Hard without code. You could make subfolders for civ and copy them around before you start a mid sh game session. Sucks, but it may save precious time in game.
  • Option to add hotkeys for choosing already saved civilizations, allowing you to pick the civilization a lot faster. For example giving a sword civilization the hotkey 1, in game all you have to do is click the crown and press 1 and the sword civilization is loaded.
See above. Hard w/o code.
Scenario Editor
  • No longer need a template for multiplayer scenarios.
I could have done this long ago. My malfunctioning tool on is only broken because I know shit about JavaScript, but I wanted it to make it a simple tool that needs to server-side tool or any installation. The *.ees header is mostly decoded, so this is no actual issue.
  • Fixed all known crashes in the scenario editor.
Some of the crashes in the game could be fixed, like the gate crash. This can be done on assembly-level. If I was more talented and/or experienced, much of the scen editor crashes may be fixed as well, provided one can somehow reproduce them...
  • It's now possible to save and load specific triggers, making it a lot easier to copy specific triggers from one scenario to another.
Could be possible if more about the scn/ees file format was known. This is tedious work. You would have to reverse it, by comparing scn files before and after you altered a single change in triggers, thus understanding its effect in the file code. Get some asperger authist, some of them may have a liking for such stuff. For anybody else, this is rather masochism.
  • All known cheats and bugs have been removed. *Note that group speed is not considered a bug.*
Bugs could be removed if there was code. Cheating however never can. Nobody can prevent you from altering your memory. There is stuff like PunkBuster etc. But this is some Gestapo BS for one and it can be circumvented as well.
  • If a player leaves a game EE will automatically make an AutoSave (in case the remaining players wants to load it).
Could be doable on assembly-level. One would have to identify the code locations of "player left" and "create savegame" and make some re-directions on the assembly.
  • Players can now quickly send a tribute request to players on the same team. Anyone can accept this request by simply clicking on the tribute screen and it will be done automatically. You can make a request by typing the resource and the amount you want. For example you want iron type "Iron 100".
Not sure how hard this could be. Yukon worked a lot in this area. Maybe he knows a way.
  • A player named KrasS has been nerfed.
Absolutely possible.
  • Ladder system has been added to the game. This is a voluntarily options for players that wants to play ranked games. whether or not the game is ranked is decided by the host. *Note: ranked games are registered by CD-key, so smurfing is not possible.*
I am certain that this can be done. I already did much of the research some years ago. The lobby modifications for badges etc. are already working on my test-lobby. But such a ladder is more complex than you think. How should (unvoluntary) leaves be treated? What numbering system? ELO? Etc.
  • New windows (Tournaments, Clans and Players) has been added to the lobby interface. Tournaments window shows all things tournament, like on going tournaments, future turnaments you can sign up to and statistics from tournaments of the past. Inside the Clans window clan leaders can submit informantion about their clan and much more. Think old clan sites. Inside the Players window you can search up any player and find all kinds information about them. What information is public is up to the player (wins, losses, how many games played, what kind of games played, citizens made, units killed, gold gathered, and much more). This will for example allow hosts to figure out if it's a new or old player.
  • Added the ability to make and join chat rooms. They can be private or public. This can be handy for clan mates to keep in touch. Everything written in the chatrooms will be stored permanently so you can message players that are in the chat room, but currently offline.
I think this could be done. I have the source codes of the lobby. It's a shame that the lobby code of EE is compiled into the exe, if it was a DLL, exchanging and moderinizing the code would be super easy. I never succeeded in detouring the EE code from main-menu to NeoEE.dll, where I could put the improved lobby into. If it was not for my inabilities, this could certainly be done.
  • Hosting
    • The game automatically figures out which of the players in the game room is the best host, and gives it to him when the game starts. This means that "a bad host" can now make the room and decide settings. Also there is no longer a need to save and load with a new host if it's laggy, this will be fixed automatically. *Note: If one or more of the players has terrible connection to everyone in the game there will still be lag.*
One could do much cool stuff to improve connectivity and latency. If the lobby could be externalised to DLL, this would be some programming work, but absolutely doable.
  • Added the ability to quickly re-make the game with the same settings, but a new map. This can be useful in the beginning of a long team game and one of the players get completely screwed over, or if you just want a quick rematch without the need to go back into the lobby. To do this type in "/e RE" in the chat, if more than half players say this within 2 minutes of each other the game will be re-made.
Actually, ask yukon. His magic could do this, I think.
  • Added more boxes that you can tick on and off (like reveal map). They are: Animal killing (if off players are not able to use military units to kill animals), Religion (if off players are not able to create Temples), Siege (if off players are not able to create Siege Factory).
  • Added F11 rule, which allows the host to decide if the game will have a peace period in the beginning of the game. This can at most be set to 360 F11. *Note: If playing F11 on an island game, enemy players will not be able to land on your island until the peace period is over.*
  • Added option to allow spectators. Spectators are different than observers. They will not join the game room, therefor they will not make the game lag for the players, they can watch four vs four, there is no limit to how many can spectate. They can start spectating in the middle of a game. *Note the host can also add a delay for the spectators to prevent spectators from helping players, by for example talking to the player over TeamSpeak or Discord.*
I believe rather hard w/o code. We also experimented with supporting 10 or more game slots. The game never recognized them, despite our efforts in modifying on assembly level.
  • Allows hosts to pick map, resources and epoch "pools". For example adding Plains, Highlands, Continental and Mediterranean to a map pool, this will make the game pick at random which of those four maps will be chosen for the game. Same can be done with Resources and Epochs. There are many uses for this. One being if you're playing liga, but you hate a specific epoch, you can make an epoch pool of all the epochs you actually like.
This may lie in the range of yukon's magic.
  • Players can now swap position with other players in the game room by right clicking on the player you want to swap with and send a swap request, if he accepts the swap will take place. This also allows the host of the game room to play as pocket.
No problem with externalized lobby.
  • Added fun game options like: All players start with a civilization that has every civilization bonus, Units get stronger the more kills they get, ability to make unlimited amount of heroes.
Unit specific changes:
  • Animals
  • Will no longer fall into obsticles when killed that makes it impossible to gather the food from them.
  • Will no longer get hurt by a tower that missed it's original target.
  • Will no longer randomly run away from it's original spawn for no apparent reason.
  • Will be protected by temples from all calamities caused by prophets.
  • Will no longer wall themselves in when walling.
  • Will no longer randomly stop working at a resource (most common when cutting wood).
  • Will no longer kill an animal if another animal within ten spaces is already dead and ready for harvest.
  • Will no longer deposit resources to a settlement far away if there is another settlement closer.
  • Will no longer for no apparent reason walk miles around the woods and cut on the other side, I mean what the fuck?
  • Will no longer get stuck in the middle of a building under construction.
  • Will no longer stand in the way and sabotage at a construction site.
  • Will no longer shoot its own building right infront of if and hurt itself in the process.
  • Will no longer hit eagles flying above it and hurt itself in the process.
    Boats and submarines
  • Will no longer crash into each other and will be a lot easier to maneuver with. This will make sea fights a lot more enjoyable and fishboats less likely to become idle and/or stuck.
    Archer units
  • Will no longer continue to shoot up in the air if the target is no longer behind a wall or obstacle.
  • Controlling airplanes and putting them on a control group will still work after they have gone back inside the airport. It can also be done while the airplanes are inside of the airport.
  • If a new pathway recently opened (IE just broke hole in a wall) the units will no longer run around if you tell them to attack. They will take the shortest path.
  • Gates will no longer take damage from earthquakes while they are being protected by temples.
  • Units and buildings will no longer miss for no apparent reason. There was a problem where for example a tower will target something and constantly miss, this and other examples like it is now fixed.
  • When commanding a unit (IE a hero) to run back, it will actually do so. Not completely derp and run zigzag or something silly like that.
  • Somehow the random map script will always give eC Samuel the definitively best map. Every singel game, no exception. This has now been fixed.
This is part of the game engine I fear. Its too deep into the logics, this would require very tedious reverse engineering work without the code, unfortunately.

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Post by Bogdan_xD »

like Judocus said, most of this stuff is all about code.
Streaming Empire Earth , mostly Islands F11 60 @

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Post by alucard45 »

"A player named KrasS has been nerfed."

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Post by P-51 »

Quoted my favorites.

Regarding ladders I think it is one of the worst things ever to happen in RTS. Games like EE were at their best with team games, 3v3s and 4v4s. These days RTS are all about trying to become E-Sports and nobody cares about games that are not 1v1s.
Arntzen wrote:Disclaimer: this is my wishlist for a fictional patch.

  • EE is now compatible with all operating systems from Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Higher resolution is now supported, giving the game much better graphics. On higher resolution than 1024x768, every model has been improved making everything look better.
  • Replay function has been added which allows you to watch all games you've played.
Civilization Builder
  • When creating a civilization you can specify when you want it to actually show up in the saved civilization folder. For example when making a Middle SH long sword civilization you can make it only available when you're actually playing a Mid SH game. This is helpful for players who play multiple settings and have over 50 civilizations saved.

Scenario Editor
  • No longer need a template for multiplayer scenarios.
  • It's now possible to save and load specific triggers, making it a lot easier to copy specific triggers from one scenario to another.
[*]Players can now swap position with other players in the game room by right clicking on the player you want to swap with and send a swap request, if he accepts the swap will take place. This also allows the host of the game room to play as pocket.

Unit specific changes:

[*]Will no longer wall themselves in when walling.

Boats and submarines
[*]Will no longer crash into each other and will be a lot easier to maneuver with. This will make sea fights a lot more enjoyable and fishboats less likely to become idle and/or stuck.

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Post by drex888 »

wow! even the true Empire Earth developers will have a hard time achieving it :D


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